Külföldi torrent oldalak Alleen Retail | A R News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. augusztus 15..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    Dear users

    We often get questions that should already be known to you. But as a reminder, we still want to draw your attention to a few things.

    I have my PC turned off at night but I get messages that I do not share and commit Hit and Run?

    Very simple. In your profile you can indicate that you have your PC switched off at night. If you set this correctly, you will not receive any PMs or warnings for Hit and Run in the evening after 10 p.m. until 9 a.m. the following morning. It is logical that you do not download anything during this period, because your PC is off.

    I do share but there are no recipients so I can't get my ratio right

    Just leave your torrent(s) on. Often someone still wants to have the torrent and you automatically share again. But also for you as a downloader, it is important to know that if you have shared a torrent for at least two weeks, you can ask your moderator for a ratio correction. The condition is that you have shared the torrent for at least two weeks. So the time that you have your PC turned off does not count.
    You must also ask for this yourself. It is impossible for the moderators to check everything.

    I have been blocked. How do I get rid of this?

    You don't get a block just like that, but if you register as a new user, download something and immediately commit Hit and Run, you run that risk. You are going to have to share the received torrent(s) again, and as soon as they have a positive ratio again, you can send a message to the person who blocked you to unblock it.

    I really like this site. Can I contribute?

    Of course those possibilities are there. We will list a few:

    1. Register as an uploader. This way you can upload your own material and make it available to other users.
    2. You can also become a moderator. You check for Hit and Run and help the users under you with their questions.
    3. The above is not for you? Then you can also support Alleenretail financially. The servers and seedboxes we work with here cost a hefty amount every month. Every month it is exciting whether we have eliminated the costs. Unfortunately, but often we don't make it.
    Donations are therefore very welcome and really necessary to keep Alleenretail up and running. You can donate from 5 Euro. There are regular promotions where you receive extra credit points.
    Of course we cannot look into your wallet, but any donation is welcome. And look what you get in return!

    We understand that there may still be questions. Ask your moderator and he will try to answer it as well as possible. Please note!! Only together can we make and keep this site great!

    Staff and contributors
