Külföldi torrent oldalak JPTV.club | JPTV News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. szeptember 19..

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    2016. április 14.
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    Staff Openings

    Hey kids, gather round. Uncle B*** needs your help.

    Wow, this has been a pretty wild couple of months. I have been really surprised at how much interest there has been in our little site. It has been a really positive experience, and I am excited to see how things grow from here!

    Unfortunately, some users have been abusing the system and upgrading the rules became necessary. Change is never easy, but I appreciate how little complaining came from the community about the rule changes, and in the long run, I am sure the new rules will be better for the site and the community. You may have noticed we have a new admin, N***.

    N*** (aka ザー ハゲ ) has been a big part in polishing up the site and organizing our goals going forward. Without him, I would have lost my patience and deleted the whole site weeks ago!

    But, the two of us is not enough manpower to keep our site running smoothly, and I need your help.

    We are looking to grow the staff here of JPTV.club and need volunteers. Any class is welcome to apply. We run a pretty laid back ship here, and hope that being on staff will be a stress-free fun experience. I look forward to having you on the team!

    The following staff positions are currently open:

    • Editor

    Do you enjoy keeping your shows organized, beautiful, and up to date? Then you'll be at home as an Editor! Editors work with other staff and users to keep the metadata for our ever growing catalog of media up-to-date, thus ensuring that files are easy to find and the site looks great. Editors are the soul of the site and truly love their JPTV.

    • Moderator

    Do you like helping others? Do you enjoy ensuring that things are running smoothly? Then consider volunteering to be a Moderator! Moderators have a large set of responsibility including approval of newly submitted torrents, moderation of our forum and discord, and otherwise supporting users as necessary. Moderators are crucial for keeping JPTVclub operating smoothly.

    • Encoder

    Do you enjoy fiddling around with videos and creating your own perfect encodes? Then we'd love for you to contribute to the site as an Encoder! True to their name, encoders take shows from the TS firehose and produce encodes to share with site. Encoders are the life blood of the site and we're always looking for more!

    • Coder

    Are you a web development wizard skilled in PHP, HTML, and JS? Then you'll be right at home as a site Coder! Coders keep the gears turning and roll out new features and improvements at JPTVclub. Without Coders there would be no JPTVclub. Volunteer today!

    • Staff (Designer)

    Do you have an eye for design and a passion for good looks? Then we'd love you to volunteer as a Staff designer! Designers will help create custom CSS designs, icons, and artwork for JPTVclub and help build our identity and community. Staff designers are what makes JPTVclub unique and exciting, and important part of the team!

    • Uploader

    Do you have the hookups with other sites across the web and are interested in growing the community and sharing the JPTV love? Then contribute to the site and community as an Uploader! Uploaders regularly contribute to the site and fill the holes in our media catalog. Try as we may, there are just too many shows and movies out there to encode them all, and uploaders help make JPTVclub the prime place for JPTV/Movie enthusiasts out there!

    Note: Anyone can upload and is highly encouraged to; you don't need any special permission or title! However, we'd like to recognize those members who frequently and often contribute content to the community, and are always looking through the upload logs to promote any user who fulfills these requirements :tef293:.

    If you're interested please send a PM to N*** with this information:

    • Position you're interested in
    • Relevant experience
    • Relevant qualifications
    • Explanation of why you're interested in volunteering, and how you'd like to contribute