Külföldi torrent oldalak Pornbay | Pb News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. szeptember 24..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Clarification of Upload Rules...


    It has come to our attention that the Upload rules were not clear enough in regards to what consists of an acceptable Site Rip, Mini-pack, or Mega-pack. Staff has discussed the best way to clarify this and as such we have updated the upload rules to better and more specifically clarify what constitutes a valid pack torrent here on PB.

    The update is as follows:

    Site Rip / Minipack / Megapack Additional Requirement

    • In the case of Site Rips, Mini-packs, and Mega-packs, the videos in the torrent must have some connection to each other, such as same website, same movie series, same actor/actress, etc.. A collection of videos with the same theme (anal, transgender, bbw, etc..) is not acceptable for a pack torrent by themselves, and in that case the videos should be uploaded as individual torrents. Remember, when in doubt, ask staff via Staff PM.

    Again, when in doubt, feel free to send a Staff PM, we're always happy to be of assistance to users who want clarification of the rules.

    One of the reasons we have these limits is that, in general pack torrents, especially the larger ones, don't have the same longevity as non-pack torrents, can confuse newer users because people who only download some files are still shown as leechers, and in general are more of a headache all around for the staff.

    This clarification is not changing the rules, it is purely clarifying what was the policy before to make it clearer to both users and newer staff.

    As with all rules updates, this is not retroactive to torrents that were uploaded before today, and those torrents which don't comply from today forward, will be removed. In the case of torrents which were uploaded today, they will be removed, but no warnings, or other negative marks will be issued for them.

    Thank you,
    The Pornbay Staff