Külföldi torrent oldalak Torrentleech.pl | Tl News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. szeptember 25..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Google Translation:

    For new users!

    new users on the best tracker

    We are very pleased that you joined us

    Below we have collected such a compendium of knowledge for you, in the smallest possible nutshell, so that you can start using our resources as quickly, easily and safely as possible.
    Of course, this does not exempt you from reading and understanding, Rules / FAQ / Guide - links are at the bottom.

    For starters, we suggest downloading new torrents labeled
    FreeLeech (especially premieres). On them you can fix statistics and stock up on things without FL, because only upload is counted on these torrents. Just remember that the seeding rules remain the same.

    Besides, we would like to inform you that our exclusive encoder group is BiRD. Their internals are always FreeLeech.

    It is forbidden to transfer internals to other sites, etc.

    And finally, something equally important, the seeding rules - in short:

    - each file after downloading you have to seed continuously for 2 hours; only after this time you can disconnect and dose the rest of the required time for the remaining period (you have 7 days to do so)
    - the file is considered legally issued, only when it turns green (you click on your nickname - you develop Complete Torrents and check yourself here)

    Clients prohibited (using them = BAN)
    - Azureus / Vuze - all versions
    - Bitcommet - all versions
    - Bitlord - all versions

    Recommended clients:
    - qBittorrent 4.x.x and later
    - Deluge 1.3.15, 2.0.3 and later
    - Transmission
    - rTorrent ver. 0.8.9, 0.9.2, 0.9.3
    - uTorrent ver. 2.0.4, 2.2.1 - newer versions are deprecated and use them at your own risk. Any problems related to incorrect statistics or problems with connecting to the tracker will be ignored by the Staff and Support and may lead to the loss of your account!

    From here you can download the client version recommended by the Staff: 32-bit version: Click 64-bit version: Click
    Correct configuration of the qBittorrent client: Click

    Why am I showing up as unavailable? (And why should I change it asap?): Click

    Guide - How to make yourself available: Click
    If, after reading the guide and making all attempts, you still cannot make yourself available, we remind you that in the Staff tab, in the Support section, there is a person dedicated to help in this matter.

    Rules FAQ Guide to TL Help / Helpdesk Guide

    English Speaking Forum
    (For everyone who have question or problem and do not know polish language)