Külföldi torrent oldalak RipsTracker | RT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. szeptember 28..

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    2016. április 14.
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    ....:::: Ripstracker - 8th Anniversary - ∞ Anniversaries to GO ....::::

    8 Years
    96 Months
    417 Weeks
    2, 922 Days
    70, 128 Hours
    42,07,680 Minutes
    25, 24, 60,800 Seconds

    More & more to Infinite to come


    It's Eighth Anniversary !!!

    Heartiest Welcome to the 8th Birthday :congrats::congrats::congrats:

    Let's join hands to have many such celebrations. Together we can do it.

    Event Highlights -

    1) Event lasts for 8 days

    2) Free Registrations to welcome new members.

    3) Complete site Ratio Free - Download unlimited; Increase your Ratio by seeding back all downloaded torrents.

    4) This year promotions:

    i) Mr. TEAM THALA to

    ii) Mr. Micheal Jackson to

    5) Refer more, get surprised with a mega bumper gift... Guess what!!! Seagate Backup Plus Slim 1 TB External Hard Drive Portable HDD - Red USB 3.0.

    Here is how it works...

    i) You can find your referral link here: LINK. Ask your friends to signup through that link or while filling up the signup form, ask them to mention your RT username in the respective field.
    ii) Top referrer gets the mega prize. The only condition is, minimum referrals should be 100. You can keep checking where you stand in the list, visit the link: LINK.
    iii) If its a tie between members, either their upload credit or number of posts is considered to decide the winner.

    6) Newly introducing Invitation system. Our Supportive Donators will get certain number of invitations (depending on the donation amount) to welcome their buddies. (Logically these will be enabled after free registrations are closed).

    7) Double benefits for regular Donation amounts { We always have been loyal to our esteemed Donators }
    Thanks for being part of RT,
    Stay Safe & be with us,
    Team Ripstracker