Külföldi torrent oldalak DXDHD | DXD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. december 19..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    DXDHD Holiday Application Signup

    The staff of DXDHD wishes everyone Happy Holidays, and in the spirit of the holidays, our application signups are open with eased requirements. As a bonus, (if your application is processed as approved) read, and drop a reply on the pinned topic in our Introductions forum for some rewards out of the goodie bag.

    Link: https://dxdhd.com/application
    DXD is a private general tracker focusing primarily on HD Movies/TV, with a growing Music and Anime base, as well as categories for Games, Applications, XXX, etc.

    Site stats:

    -Total torrents: 11,685

    -Total torrent size: 229.69 TiB

    Minimum requirements for application:

    -At least 1 other private tracker proof with at least 30 days account age and 200GB upload.(Up to 3 proof tracker profiles totaling 200GB+ may be used in cases where proof trackers are book/audio/etc. trackers in which ratio is known to be harder to achieve)

    -Take a screenshot capture of your entire screen using the "PRINT SCRN" button on your keyboard(showing proof tracker profile, browser address bar, and Operating system taskbar showing current Date/Time). Note: Please set language to English on your proof tracker before taking the screenshot(s).

    Proof tracker profile image(s) must include:

    -download/upload statistics, account age details, email address match to application email used

    Host the image on an image host of your choosing, copying the link to the application page.

    ----We strongly suggest that you blur or edit out PID/Passkey of proof tracker screenshots for your application, no other editing or cropping of the screenshot is allowed.