Külföldi torrent oldalak SlitOpen | SlitOpen.me News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. január 23..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    We need you in "Rescue seed" & Video-Korean is back!

    First of all, we really appreciate our users who waited patiently for this long emergency maintenance shutdown period. Now we're back, but with problems and policy changes.

    1) What is the "Rescue seed" campaign about?

    We've had a physical disk malfunctioning, causing permanent loss of a few database tables. We tried hard to recover these, but there is one important table that we cannot repair. The lost table includes torrent_files, which enables to download .torrent seed files for users.

    The range of data loss is affecting torrents uploaded after the middle of March 2020. So we have to recover these files into the database again. We name it as "Rescue seed" campaign.

    The campaign is available at the "Rescue seed" menu at the top of our website, or you can visit /rescueseed.php. This page lists torrents' main artist, title, and upload form. You can search the torrents by their title. If you have the original .torrent file, you can upload and get 1000 BP without tax.

    2) Re-opening Video-Korean category

    We already made a decision that we will permanently delete Video-Korean category. At that time, we had to meet an urgent need. But now, as we reconsider our policy, the category is back.

    But this time, we need to emphasize some points:

    (a) We can't recover old uploads. We deleted all the associated data at that time. We're deeply sorry if there's any damage to your class promotion.

    (b) New uploads are allowed only if the torrent is officially broadcasted on any platform. It is hard to draw a line to determine whether it is criminal-related stuff or not when it comes to the Video-Korean category. As you all know, we're prohibiting criminal-related uploads. So we're giving a guideline to judge that: is it broadcasted or not. We currently not limiting a broadcast platform, but keep in mind that we set this rule to ensure that the video has taken with the actors' own will.

    Thanks to all,

    S Staff