Külföldi torrent oldalak MyAnonaMouse | MAM News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. május 01..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Heya all,

    Been a bit of a crazy year and thank you all for you sticking with us!

    We are now running a 3x donation credits from the time of this post till 31 May 2021.

    As you all know we don't run the 3x promotion often so now is the time to help out the site and get lots of extras!

    (As this is at the same time as the 2x Crypto all Crypto donations will receive 4x donation credits)

    For every donation made you will receive 3x the amount of credits you usually would (4x Crypto). You can check the amount of credits you would usually receive on the donation page, multiply the credits by 3 (or 4 for Crypto)!

    You just need to contact TORLON one time to get the info for the usual means of donations. Just click on this sentence to send a message requesting info.
    You only need the info ONE time and its super easy to donate!!

    Its super easy to donate and you only need the info the first time you contact us.

    If you wish to donate Crypto all the currency addresses we currently accept are listed on the Crypto donation page.

    Please note that you will receive 3x/4x the donation CREDITS, NOT 3x/4x the donation amount towards Elite VIP.
    PM Torlon Quote Post Report Post

    Torlon in post #672436 wrote:

    Been a bit of a crazy year and thank you all for you sticking with us!

    You got that right... Many of us have been in much the same boat, so you've got a lot of company there! :tef293:

    Really happy to see this offer though, as I think it'll get a great response from the community. There's just so many good people here and they're very generous with their support. So I'm quite confident this will be no exception! :tef161:

    Which means of course, you'll have a lot of extra work to do (processing donations), but when you think about it, it's kind of a nice problem to have. :tef318:

    I'll be chipping in next week, as I'm happy to do my part to keep the site healthy, so just enough letters left to thank everyone who donates to such a worthwhile cause! You're all generous, caring and positively awesome!! :love: