Külföldi torrent oldalak Aither | Aither.cc News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. augusztus 24..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Dear members,

    Today we have been informed that Bitso Seedbox (bitso.ir) has accessed several slots of paying customers and made them inaccessible for the customers themselves by changing their passwords.

    We advise everyone who has previously used Bitso boxes or is currently using them (you are in the process of moving away from them in that case, right?!) to change their PID. This can be done by going to your security settings on the website and clicking the 'Reset PID' button under the 'Pass Key (PID)' tab.

    Be aware, changing your PID requires you to either redownload all Aither torrents in your torrents client(s) or to mass edit trackers of all Aither torrents.

    For rutorrent and qbitorrent, this can be done as follows (most probably also for other torrent clients):
    1) On the left hand side, click aither.cc so only Aither torrents are shown.
    2) Select all torrents (ctrl + a or command + a on Mac).
    3) Right click any torrent and select 'Edit Torrent...' (rutorrent) or 'Edit Trackers' (qbittorrent). In Deluge, there should be an 'Edit Trackers' button at the bottom.
    4) Check the 'Trackers' box and replace your PID with the new one.

    The URL is as follows:

    Where XXX is your PID.
    5) Confirm the change.
    6) Make sure all torrents are working and seeding/downloading.

    That's it. Should you have any questions, feel free to open a helpdesk ticket or message a staff member.

    Thank you for being a part of Aither,

    The staff team

    P.S. if you keep all your torrent files in a seperate folder, it might be useful to know that it is possible to download all torrent files at once for torrents you are currently seeding. They will then have the updated PID in them. You can do this by going to the list of all seeds in your profile, and clicking the 'Download All' button (it will be a ZIP archive).