Külföldi torrent oldalak AsianCinema | ACM News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. szeptember 16..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    URGENT - We are desperate need of funding to save the tracker!

    Greetings fellow ACM'ers,

    With autumn just days away and our 3rd anniversary soon approaching, we felt it was time to share this urgent news with the community.

    As many of you know, from our inception, we made it clear that ACM will always be a by the community for the community kind of site and this is something the staff still stands by 'till this day. Unfortunately, two years have now gone by and the site is still being mostly funded by our sysop who has began to raise concerns of a permanent shut down if the lack of monetary support continues as he is no longer able to continue paying for the site's infrastructure.

    We kindly ask you, the community, to help us raise the necessary funds to cover the site's infrastructure for the coming months. Please, if you find ACM even a bit useful, consider supporting our cause so that we can continue to operate for many years to come.

    Our current goal is to raise 1200 Euros by the end of this month in order to cover the site's costs for the remaining of the year. If we are unable to raise the needed funds, the site will go into farewell mode at which point the community will be given a grace period to archive as much as possible before the site is taken down forever.

    Donations can be made using Paypal, CashApp and Crypto currencies (BTC, ETH). Please contact our administrator Chaekyung if you wish to donate in anything other than BTC/ETH (link below). For BTC and ETH donations, click on the Heart icon located at the end of the left sidebar.

    For PayPal, CashAppp and other options:

    If you still have any questions before donating, please reach out to us either using the helpdesk feature located to the left of your avatar (right-upper corner) or in the forum linked below.


    Lastly, we have made small changes to the Supporter role which takes effect immediately. All users with the Supporter role will NO longer be IMMUNE to H&Rs. We felt this change was necessary in order to prevent user from mass-leeching our torrents without sharing/seeding back.
