Külföldi torrent oldalak baconBits | bB News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. szeptember 04..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    End of summer contest extravaganza!

    Hear-ye, hear-ye... a bushel of contests are underway in our Contest Forum, and we'd love to have you stop by and participate. So may prizes, so much content for upload - good for all.
    • Avatard Contest - think of it like Russian Roulette only with a permanent Avatar 'prize' if you 'win'. amirite, madderist?
    • BaconBits Folding@Home - Throw your spare CPU/GPU cycles to the scientists. I believe they are using your computing power to help build giant robots like in the movie Pacific Rim. Either that, or to help fold proteins to help cure disease. (This is a long running contest and we've made a great name for ourselves in the ranks.)
    • Teach your fellow bBs about a genre of music. Not only to you get some bP for your time... you get to explore new music from your fellow community members.
    • Science Fiction by Women contest is highlighting some fantastic SciFi works. I've found a few new reads... and I'm sure you will too.
    • Textbook Extravaganza contest that bribes you with tons of points in exchange for knowledge! Need Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Time Travel, Chemistry, Medical, Optics, Underwater Basket-weaving, or even Aeronautics. The contest has 'em all.
    • First Time Uploader contest. If you've not yet made the jump to uploads here on bB... this is a great little kicker incentive. Bonus Points for your first perfect upload of any type.

    Take a peek, and come play with your fellow members.