Külföldi torrent oldalak baconBits | bB News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 21..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Cleaning up requests...


    A lot has been done to make baconBits a more organized place, but one area of the site still has some dusty corners: the Requests section.

    Out with the old…

    The Request Rules have cleaned up a lot of problems, but there are many older requests that can never be filled because they would violate bB upload rules. These include disallowed formats, packs, freely-available content, and never-will-be-available content. Starting now, staff will be removing old requests that meet ALL of the following criteria:

    • Over 1 year old
    • Cannot be uploaded due to baconBits requirements or material that can't/won't be released
    • Cannot be edited or changed because the request has been voted on
    Staff will message users whose old requests cannot be filled as-is but can be edited to comply with request rules.

    Note: Bounty that has been applied against these invalid requests will not be returned.. fact is, the bounty is forever in Purgatory, since the request is already invalid or are un-fillable.

    …in with the new!

    You can increase the chances of your request being filled by providing as much information as possible:

    • Provide a descriptive title to let people know your requirements at a glance.
    • Use tags liberally. Take inspiration from uploads: many categories have required tags that you can use for your requests as well. Be specific where you can.
    • Make a detailed description to show users where your content can be found. Purchase links or links with extra information about your request let potential fillers know that your request is readily available. You should always list which formats you will accept unless you truly do not care.
    • For ebook requests, check Overdrive, the Kindle lending library, and other digital libraries. Amazon Prime members who own a Kindle can make use of the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library to borrow one free book per month, and with baconeers all across the globe, there's a good chance that someone will have access to an Overdrive library that carries your book. If these sources have your request, add a tag! We have many helpful ebook browser extensions that make things easier for request makers and fillers alike.
    • Exceptions If you want 1080p but will accept 720p (for example) please state that you are willing to make exceptions - but that you want to be asked first. Request-fillers go out of their way to make you happy, so if you are flexible, it will help them help you.

    Though it was written with ebooks in mind, the Knowledge Base article Ebook Requests: How To Get Yours Filled Faster has more tips that requesters from all categories might find helpful.