Külföldi torrent oldalak RevolutionTT | RevTT News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. július 29..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Welcome to RevolutionTT !!

    We've made a few changes to revo. Effective immediate all new users and anyone under the new minimum will receive up to 9.98gb which will be the new default ratio on joining the site. This is to better reflect the larger current files sizes and will allow users a bit of time to get set up properly and learn good torrent habit without having their ratios take a huge hit. We've also raised the requirements for power user from 50gb to 100gb and added a new user class for those with a seed addiction. The New Class is Seed Addict and will be achieved once you've been a member for a year, hit 1tb of upload on the site and have a ratio of 1.5 . TT Gold class are now VIPs and have a cool icon denoting their dedication to bringing quality member to the site. As with all promotions it is automatic once milestones are met.

    Hello and Welcome to all the new members joining our community, please remember to read the RATIO RULES, SITE RULES and the FAQ. You will notice that your account has 9.98GB of upload credit already added to help you start out in our community and give you a buffer to learn how the site works. Please say hello and introduce yourself in the Welcome Thread. If you do have any help related questions please see the Revolution Mega Help Guide! before using the Forum Search feature, finally if you still need an answer post a new topic in the Help Forum or join the IRC #help channel.

    We also encourage all new members, whether new to this site, or new to the torrent world to please read Problem with seeding 101. It will go a long way in helping you off to a running start when it comes to keep a good ratio here.

    If you recently invited any new members to the site, please make sure they're doing well, don't forget we'll even reward you for inviting good members with additional invites & upload credits, see the Good Invite - Upload Credit Thread. If you've been a member of the Revolution over 6 weeks and have made Power User, be sure to request your starter invites HERE.

    VIP+ now see PreTimes listed on all scene torrents, have access to the IRC #vip channel with torrent announces and can set a vhost, a VIP forum with the chance of a free SeedBox trial, as well as one extra starter invite with a lower ratio requirement needed to apply.

    Don't forget to keep your torrent client up-to-date to keep yourself and the website safe, please see the [​IMG] Accepted Client List.

    Want to use your mobile to browse the site, click through to our Mobile Site, giving you the power to add bookmarks on the move and even queue torrents to your PC for downloading, using your phone!

    If you have any questions or issues with your account please feel free to contact staff directly here