Külföldi torrent oldalak TorrentVault | TV News

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. április 12..

  1. Guest / Guest

    Re: TorrentVault

    It has come to our attention that a user or could be a few users have been spamming our users via on site message system
    If you have recieved this message.. please ignore it... it is spam..

    Mass notices will only come from Staff members.. which include Moderators, Admins, and Sysops

    Please be careful if you have signed up with them as they could be trying to compromise your password
    Change your password often or use passwords you dont use on other places..
    If you have signed up there.. please change your password for this site, as we have no way of knowing if your password is compromised.. that other site may in fact be a honeypot..

    its for your peace of mind and ours..

    If you recieve any futher messages of that sort.. please contact us immediently.. so we can take care of the user.. as well as contact the site where the spam is originating..


    // Staff