Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Vendég hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. október 17..

  1. Vendég /

    2014. augusztus 31.
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    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    On our way to become a bigger and better site we arrived to the second part of our rebranding plan and also changed some Gazelle source code.

    As you can see, we changed to a custom login page as well as introduced a series page for every show or movie from now on. The old domain is redirecting you to the same site, now http://www.morethan.tv

    We're still have to implement subtitles, an IMDB scrapper with custom info page and livestreaming events and romanian shows.
    Since the small scale test was a succes we are waiting for you to tune with us and watch the Romania-Hungary stream in FullHD. Think of it as a stress test: if everything turns out ok then we're one step closer to bringing you all sort of live coverage of sporting events and romanian tv.

    Dragi useri,
    In drumul nostru spre a deveni un site mai bun si mai accesibil pentru voi am trecut la partea a2a a rebranding-ului si cu ocazia asta s-au facut si anumite update-uri la Gazelle.
    Dupa cum vedeti login page-ul s-a schimbat,am adaugat optiunea Series si domeniul original va fi more http://www.morethan.tv .Cei care v-ati facut cont pe dracu.tv veti primi redirect.

    Munca noastra inca nu se incheie aici,mai avem de adaugat subtitrari pentru voi,IMDB,si streaming-ul mult promis.
    Venind vorba de ultimul, primul test a fost un succes,asa ca va asteptam diseara sa urmariti meciul Romania-Ungaria impreuna cu noi in FULL HD,ca sa ne ajuati sa testam si mai mult ca sa aveti cat mai curand si emisiunile voastre preferate sau meciurile live,aici pe site!

    Testele au reusit,in curand vom gasi o cale sa le integram in site pentru ca toti userii sa le vada si sa le poata accesa.Cine a intrat pe forum si a testat,le multumim pentru contributie.