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A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Anime hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. november 28..

  1. Anime /

    2013. augusztus 20.
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    HDClub : News
    Dear user, the ongoing restructuring of the club, so we inform you of further developments:

    1. In view of the many reasons we are beginning to say goodbye to the domain zone ua. Club over the years has become too famous project and the availability of addresses in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet now carries trouble. The club does not give up its roots, but the transition to a single international domain will give a lot of amenities and removes a lot of problems. Please logout at http://hdclub.orgcontinue to enjoy them alone. Ua redirect from start to work in a week, and the full farewell to the old address allocated to 3 months. The nuances of renovation possible problem hands in torrent client will be set forth in a separate letter and in the header.

    2. C 1 December start the second phase of engineering works on the site (approximately 10 days). Explicit interruptions should not be, but there may be timing errors of individual pages of the resource.

    3. Next week, the club will be updated e-mail server and the end of December will earn full email support service for users, problems with login, registration and general issues.

    4. In the area of 10-15 December, each of you will receive an email with instructions on how to improve the security of your account. The letter will be duplicated in a personal and tied mailbox. Please follow the advice necessary for the administration can not solve daily problems by 20 users with mailboxes hacked and passwords like "qwerty123".

    5. In the near future in a test mode will deploy a new partition table of orders in the style piggy bank. We hope that you would understand if the initiative. 3-5 years ago collectible releases assembly takes less than a number of hours. Now requires hard work on multiple HD-roads and it often takes a day or two. Preparation of complex assemblies remuksov or Blu-ray with 8-10 lanes turns into a hellish work with a niche product output. As a result, many may never appear without the help of the community. Projects will be placed in the order table after evaluating the feasibility and in the case of compliance with a clear threshold of complexity release. Just focus our attention that innovation is directed only to address the complex and releases stalled, and 90% of the content will be posted on the usual scheme. Neither of which the transition to the commercial mainstream are not talking.

    Administration hdclub.org