Külföldi torrent oldalak TwilightZoom | TZ News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Anime hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. november 30..

  1. Anime /

    2013. augusztus 20.
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    twilights.org News
    It has come to our attention that some of our users are having a little trouble logging into Twilight.

    If you have problems, Google how to delete a site cookie in your type of browser.If your using Firefox just choose
    options from your tools then choose privacy then choose remove individual cookies scroll to twilights.org and delete
    the twilight cookie.

    Twilights site http://www.twilights.org

    Also we have some news as far as ssl security.We now have a trusted certificate.Shoutbox has to be refreshed when you
    first get on home page and also if you trade in bonus points you still have to do this unsecured.

    You will notice the server aka site is a lot faster now .Also we only lost a total of about 8000 older torrents .

    We are coming back up on 20,000 and will keep them coming as we have some fine uploaders.

    Thank you all for being a part of our Twilight family.

    irc support
    irc server mars.ca.p2p-network.net port 6667
    channel #twilightsupport

    our other sites who's server has not changed

    e-book http://www.p2pelite.com