Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 05..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    And... we're back!
    Yesterday, our host suffered a power outage. This caused the brief outage of several sites, however ours was more prolonged (approximately 30 hours). This resulted in us catching a kernel configuration error that had gone unnoticed until now. This is why we have taken a little longer than other sites to recover from this down time, as they only had to do some simple file checking.

    J and Remy have spent a lot of their time fixing this problem, so please thank them for their great work on this! A quick thanks to everyone else who has helped consult with this issue, you know who you are. The best news is that we have suffered zero data loss, all of the torrents and stats are intact!

    Some more good news: As you can see, we are currently almost at 50% of our donation total for the month! A big thanks to all who have donated thus far!

    [s:2s8xldjh]We are still working on the tracker. We will keep you posted.[/s:2s8xldjh]

    The tracker is now up and fully functional! Also, we have increased the user cap to 20,000!

    Use those invites! From this point on, every time we reach the user cap we will be evaluating the load of the user base on the site, and increasing the cap as we see fit. We will make a statement within a couple of days of hitting the cap to keep you updated.

    Discuss this post here!