Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 05..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
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    April's Contest is Underway

    For the last few months we've been running month long genre contests. They've been a pretty big success every month but March was our biggest so far! We averaged about 180 torrents a day last month, with plenty of days going above and beyond that. In total over 1900 torrents were uploaded for the contest. Thanks to everyone who participated!

    This month's contest genre is Adventure. For a bit more information on the rules and specifics of the contest check out this thread. As we've done in the past, each contest torrent will be freeleech for 24 hours from the time of its upload.

    There has already been just over 100 torrents uploaded for this month's contest so go catch up!