Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. szeptember 18..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Dear friends,

    Today it's the first anniversary of our little baby.One year ago we registered our first domain dracu.tv. This site had completely other purpose like now, but with your help we managed to transform it in one beautiful International tracker.

    Has been one first year with a lot of happiness here, I can say without modesty, we didn't miss nothing, you, the users gave us exactly what we need. A good, patience and strong community.

    I want this day to start with V1 version of our tracker, but unfortunately the real life problems of our developers has come in our way and we must delay it . Personally, I feel very frustrated because I strongly believe one man should keep his word and I promise you guys today we will have the V1 up and running. The project it's not closed, we are at 40% of it, but we don't want to release nothing until all features are completely functional and bug free.

    On the other hand, I want to assure you that Morethan.tv will continue exactly like that, we have a bright future along you guys and we intend to live it.

    Regarding the statistic and other things related of this year.

    We managed to have 9,285 users, but we had our last sign-up so from now one, the site will stay permanently close and we will have a limited number of invites.

    The servers and all MTV need to function are paid in advance so you will need to support us more years to come.
    The site it's running well without ratio and required seedtime and it will remain like that. We will never force you to seed or keep a ratio. Even if the tracker will grow, we will keep our promises.

    I want to close this by say thanks to :

    All our great users even the inactive ones. And I hope in the next year they will become more active
    To our donors for helping us maintain one year our seed servers. Thanks so much guys, I owe you all!
    To friendly trackers, old or new trackers, good or bad admins who helped us with an advice at begin and even now.
    To those who DDOS us over the year, thank you very much guys, you make us more and more stronger. Without you, we could not find out failures so soon.

    Happy Birthday Morethan.tv !

    PS: We don't forget about prizes, we will have another seedbox contest soon enough .