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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2010. december 22..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Show/Hide Dec-19-10 - 2010 PWT Member of the Year: Voting

    In the closing days of the year it's a PWT tradition to let our users vote for the ones among them that stood out and made their experience in our community an enjoyable one.
    This is the chance for all of you to give a shout to your favorite uploader, the forum poster you most enjoy, that First Line Support guy who helped you out or even for a not-so-well-known member taht you somehow became an online friend with. You can vote for up to 3 of them and make them feel very appreciated.
    You can find out how the voting works HERE
    You can find out a list of deserving names of users that stood out in the last 12 months HERE
    You can submit your votes in that thread or by sending a message to Cocuzzo

    This year there will be a GB reward for a number of lucky users who take their time to vote. The more valid entries will be submitted the more prizes there will be, the larger they will be. Potentially there is over 800GB up for grabs, so the time used to vote may turn out to be well rewarded.
    We hope to see as much participation as possible