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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. augusztus 04..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Show/Hide Aug-03-11 - Some New Services
    In preparation for larger additions to the PWT Network, there has been some new additional services on offer added to our donation page.

    Anonymous e-mail forwarder:
    We are now offering e-mail forwarders on the pwtnetwork.net domain. An e-mail forwarder simply means that you will get an e-mail address in the form of @pwtnetwork.net. All e-mail sent to that address is automatically forwarded to an e-mail address of your choice. This allows you to use the pwtnetwork.net address to register accounts or give out to people who you don't want to have your real e-mail address. The service is of course protected with the same privacy as your PWT account, meaning we will NEVER give the information to anyone for any reason.

    Your own POP3 e-mail account with 15 megabyte storage:
    As with the e-mail forwarder, you get an e-mail address in the form of @pwtnetwork.net. The difference is that this is a real e-mail address where the e-mail is stored on our server until you download it with Outlook, Thunderbird or any other e-mail client you choose. This also comes with webmail access.

    Change your username:
    As stated in the FAQ, we will not change your username on the site. This is mainly because it's a hassle to do. Now you have a chance to have your username changed for whatever reason you feel like though. But it will cost a little bit for the hassle it takes.

    The regular donation rewards with gigabytes, invites and the chance to win wrestling tickets or DVDs of course remain unchanged!

    To see what you get for what amounts, please refer to the donation page by clicking the "Donate with PayPal" button just below the banner.

    If you have any questions about these new services, click this sentence to go to the forum announcement and post your questions there.

    Any donation surplus for the period we are in now will be donated to the Norwegian Red Cross, as the organization who without being obligated to do so, contributed with personell, equipment and other resources help to victims of both the bombing and shooting massacre in Norway on July 22nd.

    Donation rewards prize drawing will be paid for by me, so that it won't affect our members on PWT :tef293: