Külföldi torrent oldalak ICETorrent | ICE PREMIILE OSCAR 2020

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  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Lakhely :
    Va asteptam pe forum cu un nou concurs: PREMIILE OSCAR 2020

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    Várunk rád a fórumon egy új versennyel: OSCAR 2020 AWARDS

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  2. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Lakhely :

    Ce aveti de facut:

    -Din lista nominalizarilor, prezentata mai jos, alegeti (la fiecare categorie) cate un singur castigator preferat de dumnevoastra;
    -Pastrati ordinea mentionata in exemplu;
    -La categoriile unde nu doriti sa participati, nu scrieti nimic; cu cat votati la mai multe categorii, cu atat aveti sanse sa obtineti un premiu mai mare.
    -Premierea se va face in prima saptamana a lunii martie 2020

    Intrucat decernarea premiilor Oscar 2020 va avea loc in data de 09 februarie 2020, perioada de vot pentru concurs va fi: 02.02.2020 - 08.02.2020.
    Va rugam respectati regulile mentionate mai sus!




    Premiile vor fi urmatoarele:

    100000 puncte bonus pentru categoria Cel mai bun film
    30000 puncte bonus pentru categoriile: Cel mai bun actor in rol principal respectiv Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal
    20000 puncte bonus pentru categoriile: Cel mai bun regizor, Cel mai bun film strain si Cel mai bun film de animatie (lungmetraj)
    10000 puncte bonus pentru celelalte categorii


    Nominalizari premii Oscar 2020

    01. Cel mai bun film

    1. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    2. The Irishman
    3. Marriage Story
    4. Parasite
    5. 1917
    6. Joker
    7. The Grand Challenge: Le Mans '66 aka Ford v Ferrari
    8. Jojo Rabbit
    9. Little Women

    02. Cel mai bun regizor

    1. Sam Mendes - 1917
    2. Quentin Tarantino - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    3. Martin Scorsese - The Irishman
    4. Todd Phillips - Joker
    5. Bong Joon Ho - Parasite

    03. Cel mai bun actor in rol principal

    1. Joaquin Phoenix - Joker
    2. Jonathan Pryce - The Two Popes
    3. Adam Driver - Marriage Story
    4. Leonardo DiCaprio - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    5. Antonio Banderas - Dolor y gloria

    04. Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal

    1. Saoirse Ronan - Little Women
    2. Renée Zellweger - Judy
    3. Charlize Theron - Bombshell
    4. Scarlett Johansson - Marriage Story
    5. Cynthia Erivo - Harriet

    05. Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar

    1. Florence Pugh - Little Women
    2. Kathy Bates - Richard Jewell
    3. Scarlett Johansson - Jojo Rabbit
    4. Laura Dern - Marriage Story
    5. Margot Robbie - Bombshell

    06. Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar

    1. Tom Hanks - A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
    2. Joe Pesci - The Irishman
    3. Anthony Hopkins - The Two Popes
    4. Brad Pitt - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    5. Al Pacino - The Irishman

    07. Cel mai bun scenariu original

    1. 1917 - Sam Mendes, Krysty Wilson-Cairns
    2. Knives Out - Rian Johnson
    3. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Quentin Tarantino
    4. Parasite - Bong Joon Ho, Jin Won Han
    5. Marriage Story - Noah Baumbach

    08. Cel mai bun scenariu adaptat

    1. Joker - Scott Silver, Todd Phillips
    2. The Irishman - Steven Zaillian
    3. The Two Popes - Anthony McCarten
    4. Little Women - Greta Gerwig
    5. Jojo Rabbit - Taika Waititi

    09. Cel mai bun montaj

    1. Joker - Jeff Groth
    2. The Grand Challenge: Le Mans '66 - Andrew Buckland, Michael McCusker
    3. The Irishman - Thelma Schoonmaker
    4. Jojo Rabbit - Tom Eagles
    5. Parasite - Jinmo Yang

    10. Cel mai bun film strain

    1. Parasite
    2. Dolor y gloria
    3. Honeyland
    4. Corpus Christi
    5. Les Miserables

    11. Cel mai bun film de animatie (lungmetraj)

    1. Toy Story 4 - Mark Nielsen, Josh Cooley, Jonas Rivera
    2. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World - Dean DeBlois, Bonnie Arnold, Bradford Lewis
    3. Klaus
    4. Missing Link
    5. I Lost My Body

    12. Cea mai buna imagine

    1. 1917 - Roger Deakins
    2. Joker - Lawrence Sher
    3. The Irishman - Rodrigo Prieto
    4. The Lighthouse - Jarin Blaschke
    5. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Robert Richardson

    13. Cea mai buna scenografie

    1. Parasite - Ha-jun Lee, Won-Woo Cho
    2. The Irishman - Bob Shaw, Regina Graves
    3. 1917 - Lee Sandales, Dennis Gassner
    4. Jojo Rabbit - Nora Sopková, Ra Vincent
    5. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Nancy Haigh, Barbara Ling

    14. Cele mai bune efecte vizuale

    1. Avengers: Endgame - Dan Deleeuw, Matt Aitken, Russell Earl, Daniel Sudick
    2. The Lion King - Adam Valdez, Elliot Newman, Robert Legato, Andrew R. Jones
    3. The Irishman - Pablo Helman, Nelson Sepulveda, Leandro Estebecorena, Stephane Grabli
    4. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Patrick Tubach, Roger Guyett, Neal Scanlan, Dominic Tuohy
    5. 1917 - Greg Butler, Guillaume Rocheron, Dominic Tuohy

    15. Cel mai bun machiaj

    1. Joker - Nicki Ledermann, Kay Georgiou
    2. Bombshell - Anne Morgan, Kazu Hiro, Vivian Baker
    3. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil - David White, Arjen Tuiten, Paul Gooch
    4. 1917 - Naomi Donne, Rebecca Cole, Tristan Versluis
    5. Judy - Jeremy Woodhead

    16. Cel mai bun mixaj de sunet

    1. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Christian P. Minkler, Michael Minkler, Mark Ulano
    2. Ad Astra - Gary Rydstrom, Mark Ulano, Tom Johnson
    3. 1917 - Stuart Wilson, Mark Taylor
    4. Joker - Dean A. Zupancic, Tom Ozanich, Tod A. Maitland
    5. The Grand Challenge: Le Mans '66 - David Giammarco, Paul Massey, Steven Morrow

    17. Cel mai bun montaj de sunet

    1. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Wylie Stateman
    2. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - David Acord, Matthew Wood
    3. 1917 - Oliver Tarney, Rachael Tate
    4. Joker - Alan Robert Murray
    5. The Grand Challenge: Le Mans '66 - Donald Sylvester

    18. Cele mai bune costume

    1. Jojo Rabbit - Mayes C. Rubeo
    2. Joker - Mark Bridges
    3. The Irishman - Christopher Peterson, Sandy Powell
    4. Little Women - Jacqueline Durran
    5. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - Arianne Phillips

    19. Cea mai buna coloana sonora

    1. Joker - Hildur Guðnadóttir
    2. 1917 - Thomas Newman
    3. Marriage Story - Randy Newman
    4. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - John Williams
    5. Little Women - Alexandre Desplat

    20. Cel mai bun cantec original

    1. Elton John, Bernie Taupin - Rocketman
    2. Diane Warren - Breakthrough
    3. Cynthia Erivo, Joshuah Brian Campbell - Harriet
    4. Robert Lopez, Kristen Anderson-Lopez - Frozen II
    5. Randy Newman - Toy Story 4

    21. Cel mai bun documentar (lungmetraj)

    1. The Cave - Sigrid Dyekjær, Kirstine Barfod, Feras Fayyad
    2. In the Absence - Gary Byung-Seok Kam, Seung-jun Yi
    3. For Sama - Edward Watts, Waad Al-Kateab
    4. The Edge of Democracy - Joanna Natasegara, Tiago Pavan, Petra Costa, Shane Boris
    5. American Factory - Julia Reichert, Steven Bognar, Jeff Reichert
    6. Honeyland - Ljubomir Stefanov, Atanas Georgiev, Tamara Kotevska

    22. Cel mai bun scurtmetraj

    1. Brotherhoo
    2. Nefta Football Club
    3. The Neighbors Window
    4. Saria
    5. A Sister

    23. Cel mai bun scurtmetraj de animație

    1. Dcera (Daughter)
    2. Hair Love
    3. Kitbul
    4. Memorable
    5. Sister

    24. Cel mai bun design de producție:

    1. The Irishman
    2. Jojo Rabbit
    3. 1917
    4. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    5. Parasite
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