Rangok, és azok előnyei a torrent oldalakon

A témát ebben részben 'Tracker Beszélgetések' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. június 11..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Sziasztok. Ebben a témában megosszuk egymással, milyen rangok vannak bizonyos oldalakon, és hogy ennek mik is az előnyei.

    UI: Egy hozzászólás csak egy oldalt tartalmazzon!

    Első oldal:
    Music-Vid , TranceTraffic , nCore , thegft.org , Indietorrents , BitMeTV.org , Polishtracker , PreToMe

    Második oldal: IPTorrents , Cinematik , CosaNostra , Karagarga , x264.me , Bit HDTV , Sdbits.org , HD-bits.ro , CartoonChaos , Bibliotik.org

    Harmadik oldal: Fux0r.eu , Bibliotik.org ,Teracod , XiDER , Carpathians , Bithorlo , 1st , Bigtorrent , Majomparádé , TorrentVar

    Negyedik oldal:
    LibraNet ,
  2. Dark Angel / Guest

    What are the different user classes?

    User The default class of new members. Automatic disabling after 10 weeks of inactivity.
    Video Fan Can request videos. Can bookmark torrents. Can view non-anonymous uploaders. Can see active users and site statistics. They have access to the Video Fan/Video Addict forums. Automatic disabling after 20 weeks of inactivity.
    Video Addict Same privileges as Video Fan. Can view site logs. Can see the full Top 10/100/250 statistics. Automatic disabling after 40 weeks of inactivity.
    Video Maniac They have access to the Video Maniac/VIP forums. Can change their privacy level. Can request a custom title. Immune to auto-disabling.
    [​IMG] Have made a donation to MusicVids.
    VIP Same privileges as Video Maniac. Receive 1 invite per month. Immune to auto-disabling.
    Other Customised class for special users.
    VideoHolic Receive 1 invite per month. Can set their own custom title. They have access to the Elite Forums. Immune to auto-disabling. If you are a VideoHolic, you should be proud!
    Video Legend The TOP Elite Member Class. Same privileges as VideoHolic. Receive 2 invites per month. They have access to the Elite Forums and have a voice on some site decisions. Selected due to their very special contribution to the site. If you are a Video Legend, you should be very very proud!
    Moderator Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts.
    Administrator Can do just about anything.
    Developer Can do anything.
    SysOp Site Owner.

    How does this promotion thing work anyway?

    Video Fan Must have been a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 25GB of data and have a ratio at or above 1.05.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time.
    Video Addict Must have been a member for at least 12 weeks, have uploaded 50 or more, currently still alive, torrents and at least 200GB of data, have downloaded more than 25GB and have a ratio at or above 1.5.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 1.25 at any time.
    Video Maniac Must have been a member for at least 16 weeks, have uploaded 100 or more, currently still alive, torrents and at least 500GB of data, have downloaded more than 100GB and have a ratio at or above 2.0.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 1.5 at any time.
    [​IMG] Just donate, and send TSP or Safir - and only TSP or Safir - the details.
    VIP Assigned by Staff at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site.
    Promotion based on contribution (monetary or otherwise). This promotion is a privilege, not a right. The Staff reserve the right to demote anyone they feel are abusing this privilege.
    (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    Other Conferred by Staff at their discretion.
    VideoHolic Assigned by Staff only after special consideration.
    Video Legend Assigned by Staff only after special consideration.
    Moderator You don't ask us, we'll ask you!

  3. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    The default class of new members.
    Power User
    Can view ReadMe files.
    Has donated money to Trancetraffic.com
    Same privileges as Power User and is considered an Elite Member of TranceTraffic. Immune to automatic demotion.
    Customised title
    Same as PU except with upload rights and immune to automatic demotion.
    Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts.
    Can do just about anything.
    TranceTraffic (site owner).
    How does this promotion thing work anyway?

    Power User
    Must have been be a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 25GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from
    this status if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time.
    Just donate, and send ZDRuX - and only
    ZDRuX - the details.
    Assigned by mods at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site.
    (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    Conferred by mods at their discretion (not available to Users or Power Users).
    Appointed by Admins/SysOp (see the 'Uploading' section for conditions).
    You don't ask us, we'll ask you!
  4. Dark Angel / Guest


    Primary User Classes

    User - The Default.
    Requirements - None.
    Perks - Can make requests.

    Member - The First Rung.
    Requirements - Been here for at least 1 week, has uploaded at least 10 GB and a ratio above 0.7.
    Perks - Can edit collages.
    Demotions - Demoted to User when their ratio drops below 0.65.

    Power User - Those With a Little Power.
    Requirements - Been here at least 2 weeks, has uploaded at least five torrents and 25 GB, ratio above 1.05.
    Perks - Receives invites, can access notifications, create new collages, get a personal collage, access to the Power User & Invites forums, can create forum polls, and immunity from inactivity disabling.
    Demotions - Demoted to Member when their uploaded amount drops below 25 GB, their ratio drops below 0.95 or their current uploaded torrent total is less than five.

    Elite - The Elite.
    Requirements - Been here at least 4 weeks, has uploaded at least 50 torrents and 100 GB, ratio above 1.05.
    Perks - Access to the Elite forum, Top 10 filters, a second personal collage, and torrent editing privileges.
    Demotions - Demoted to Power User when their uploaded amount drops below 100 GB or their current uploaded torrent total is less than 50. Demoted to Member when their ratio drops below 0.95.

    Torrent Master - The Select Few.
    Requirements - Been here at least 8 weeks, has uploaded at least 500 torrents and 500 GB, ratio above 1.05.
    Perks - Access to the Torrent Master forum, earns custom title, a third personal collage, and unlimited invites.
    Demotions - Demoted to Elite when their uploaded amount drops below 500 GB or their current uploaded torrent total is less than 500. Demoted to Member when their ratio drops below 0.95.

    Power TM - The Coolest of the Cool.
    Requirements - Been here at least 8 weeks, has uploaded at least 500 GB, ratio above 1.05, and has also uploaded one or more torrents in at least 500 unique groups (albums).
    Perks - Everything Torrent Master gets plus a fourth personal collage.
    Demotions - Demoted to Torrent Master when their current uploaded torrent total contains less than 500 unique groups. Demoted to Elite when their uploaded amount drops below 500 GB or their current uploaded torrent total is less than 500. Demoted to Member when their ratio drops below 0.95.

    Elite TM - Masters of the FLAC.
    Requirements - Been here at least 8 weeks, has uploaded at least 500 GB, ratio above 1.05, and has also uploaded at least 500 torrents that are "perfect" FLAC (100% log for CD, or any Vinyl/DVD/Soundboard/WEB/Cassette/Blu-ray/SACD/DAT). Note that you also have to meet the requirements for Power TM (500 unique groups)
    Perks - Everything Power TM gets plus a fifth personal collage.
    Demotions - Demoted to either Power TM or Torrent Master when their current uploaded torrent total contains less than 500 100% CD FLAC and/or Vinyl/DVD/Soundboard/WEB/Cassette/Blu-ray/SACD/DAT FLAC torrents. Demoted to Elite when their uploaded amount drops below 500 GB or their current uploaded torrent total is less than 500. Demoted to Member when their ratio drops below 0.95.

    VIP - Special People.
    Requirements - Be awesome.
    Perks - Access to the VIP forum, advanced Wiki editing, custom title, five personal collages, and can send unlimited invites.

    Legend - Great Myths Surround These Mystical Entities.
    Requirements - Former staff member.
    Perks - Access to the special forum, advanced Wiki editing, custom title, five personal collages, and can send unlimited invites.

    Forum Moderators - The Forum Staff
    Requirements - Don't ask us; be awesome.

    Staff - The Staff.
    Moderator, Developer, Lead Developer and Administrator.

    Secondary User Classes

    Artist - The Musicians.
    These people can advertise their albums on the 'Latest vanity house additions' list. See here for more details.

    First Line Support - FLS
    Requirements - Qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable users may apply for this position.

    Interviewer - IN - The Gate Keepers.
    These people interview prospective new members.
    Requirements - Elite and above may apply.

    Torrent Celebrity - TC - Special People on Other Trackers.
    Requirements - Staff at another tracker that meets certain requirements and approved by a staff member.
    Perks - Access to the Torrent Celebrity forum, advanced Wiki editing, torrent editing, and can send unlimited invites.

    Delta Team - DT - The Rule Makers
    Requirements - Don't ask us; we might ask you.
    Perks - Access to the Delta Team forum, advanced Wiki editing, torrent editing, custom title, five personal collages, and can send unlimited invites.

    Build Team - BT - The Site Shakers
    Requirements - Don't ask us; we might ask you.
    Perks - Access to the Build Team forum, advanced Wiki editing, torrent editing, custom title, five personal collages, and can send unlimited invites.

    Alpha Team - AT - They Simply Are.
    Requirements - Don't ask us; we won't ask you.

    Members of the Interviewer, Delta and other teams are generally very knowledgeable about the site and can usually be trusted to give accurate information, but they are not staff and should not be taken as expressing direct staff policy.

    As well as the standard user classes, there is also an extra bonus that users may receive. This is:

    Donor - [​IMG] - Donators.
    These people have donated money to help keep this site running. See this page for more details.
  5. Dark Angel / Guest







    26 hét
    250 GB​

    52 hét és
    1 TB és
    Top 50k​

    52 hét
    1 TB és
    Top 3k
    10 TB és
    Top 3k​

    12 hét
    80 torrent
    Láthatja más felhasználó futtatott torrentjeit
    Barátok Meghívottak Meghívó​

    Barátok Meghívottak Meghívó​








    Kiterjesztett keresés


    Kérhet új torrentet




    TOP 10 (Hamarosan!)




    Felhasználó kereső




    Egyéni rang




    Wiki cikk létrehozása





    Láthatja más felhasználó pontjait, feltöltési adatmennyiségét és helyezését




    Meghívóküldés lehetősége[




    Nyilvános log








    Anonymous feltöltés





    Feltölthető torrentek száma/nap
    (Az első 3 hónapban nem lehet feltölteni)




    Nincs korlátozva​
    A feltölthető torrent minimális mérete
    (kivétel Mobil és az eBook kategória)
    50 MB​

    10 MB​

    10 MB​

    Nincs korlátozva​

    Nincs korlátozva​
    A havonta elkövethető hit'n'runjainak száma





    *A rangot minden hónapban újra kiosztjuk az éppen aktuális hó végi lista alapján.
    A havi helyezést minden hónap első napján, a lista lezárásakor (00:01 - 01:00) nézzük, és a rangot a következő hónapra osztjuk az összes feltételt teljesítő felhasználók számára.

    **Ha szeretnél ebbe a csoportba tartozni, - a kritériumok teljesítésén túl - nincs más dolgod, mint írni a Staff-nak egy levelet.
    A rang igénylése kizárólag az előnyeiért súlyos szabálytalanságnak minősül, a visszaéléseket szankcionáljuk!

    Részletes leírás a spoiler-ben!
    Spoiler elrejtése​

    • Nincsenek, minden felhasználó ezt a rangot kapja meg, amikor regisztrál az oldalra

    • Láthatja barátai/meghívója/meghívottjai futtatott torrentjeit annak profiljában
    • Használhatja a könyvjelzők funkciót
    • Használhatja a kiterjesztett keresést (opciók: Címben, Leírásban, Címke)

    • Nem tölthet fel torrentet az első három hónapban (Módosult!)
    • Naponta feltölthető torrentek száma: 5
    • A feltölthető torrent mérete nem lehet kisebb, mint 50 MB (kivétel Mobil és az eBook kategória)
    • Havonta elkövethető hit'n'run-ok száma: 5


    • Több, mint 26 hete regisztrált
    • Legalább 250 GB feltöltött adatmennyiséggel rendelkezik

    • Láthatja barátai/meghívója/meghívottjai futtatott torrentjeit annak profiljában
    • Használhatja a könyvjelzők funkciót
    • Használhatja a kiterjesztett keresést (opciók: Címben, Leírásban, Címke)
    • Kérhet új torrentet a kérések menüben
    • Láthatja a TOP 10-es statisztikákat (Hamarosan!)
    • Használhatja a felhasználó keresőt
    • Igényelhet egyéni rangot
    • Wiki cikkeket hozhat létre
    • Láthatja más felhasználó pontjait, feltöltési adatmennyiségét és helyezését annak profiljában

    • Naponta feltölthető torrentek száma: 10
    • A feltölthető torrent mérete nem lehet kisebb, mint 10 MB (kivétel ebook kategória)
    • Havonta elkövethető hit'n'run-ok száma: 10


    • Több, mint 52 hete regisztrált
    • Legalább 1 TB feltöltött adatmennyiséggel rendelkezik
    • Havi helyezése jobb, mint 50 000

    • Láthatja más felhasználó futtatott torrentjeit annak profiljában
    • Használhatja a könyvjelzők funkciót
    • Használhatja a kiterjesztett keresést (opciók: Címben, Leírásban, Feltöltő nevére, Címke)
    • Kérhet új torrentet a kérések menüben
    • Láthatja a TOP 10-es statisztikákat (Hamarosan!)
    • Használhatja a felhasználó keresőt
    • Küldhet havonta egy meghívót
    • Igényelhet egyéni rangot
    • Wiki cikkeket hozhat létre
    • Láthatja más felhasználó pontjait, feltöltési adatmennyiségét és helyezését annak profiljában
    • Hozzáférhet a nyilvános log-hoz

    • Naponta feltölthető torrentek száma: 20
    • A feltölthető torrent mérete nem lehet kisebb, mint 10 MB (kivétel ebook kategória)
    • Havonta elkövethető hit'n'run-ok száma: korlátlan

    • Ha a hónap végén a helyezése rosszabb, mint 50 000, automatikusan átkerül Tag rangba.

    A rangot minden hónapban újra kiosztjuk az éppen aktuális hó végi lista alapján.

    A havi helyezést minden hónap első napján, a lista lezárásakor (00:01 - 01:00) nézzük, és a rangot a következő hónapra osztjuk az összes feltételt teljesítő felhasználók számára.


    • Több, mint 52 hete regisztrált
    • Legalább 1 TB feltöltött adatmennyiséggel rendelkezik
    • Havi helyezése jobb, mint 3 000,

    • VAGY 10 TB feltöltött adatmennyiséggel rendelkezik
    • Havi helyezése jobb, mint 3 000.

    • Láthatja más felhasználó futtatott torrentjeit annak profiljában
    • Használhatja a könyvjelzők funkciót
    • Használhatja a kiterjesztett keresést (opciók: Címben, Leírásban, Feltöltő nevére, Címke)
    • Kérhet új torrentet a kérések menüben
    • Láthatja a TOP 10-es statisztikákat (Hamarosan!)
    • Használhatja a felhasználó keresőt
    • Küldhet havonta egy meghívót
    • Igényelhet egyéni rangot
    • Wiki cikkeket hozhat létre
    • Láthatja más felhasználó pontjait, feltöltési adatmennyiségét és helyezését annak profiljában
    • Hozzáférhet a nyilvános log-hoz
    • Opcionálisan kikapcsolhatja a reklámokat az oldalon

    • Naponta feltölthető torrentek száma: 30
    • A feltölthető torrent mérete: nincs minimum
    • Havonta elkövethető hit'n'run-ok száma: korlátlan

    • Ha a hónap végén a helyezése rosszabb, mint 3 000, automatikusan átkerül Elite rangba.
    • Ha a hónap végén a helyezése rosszabb, mint 50 000, automatikusan átkerül Tag rangba.

    A rangot minden hónapban újra kiosztjuk az éppen aktuális hó végi lista alapján.

    A havi helyezést minden hónap első napján, a lista lezárásakor (00:01 - 01:00) nézzük, és a rangot a következő hónapra osztjuk az összes feltételt teljesítő felhasználók számára.


    • Több, mint 12 hete regisztrált
    • Legalább 80 helyesen feltöltött torrenttel rendelkezik
    • Feltöltési sebessége legalább 60 Mbit/s

    • Heti 15 torrent feltöltése, havonta legalább 60 (Új)

    • Láthatja más felhasználó futtatott torrentjeit annak profiljában
    • Használhatja a könyvjelzők funkciót
    • Használhatja a kiterjesztett keresést (opciók: Címben, Leírásban, Feltöltő nevére, Címke)
    • Kérhet új torrentet a kérések menüben
    • Láthatja a TOP 10-es statisztikákat (Hamarosan!)
    • Használhatja a felhasználó keresőt
    • Küldhet havonta egy meghívót
    • Igényelhet egyéni rangot
    • Wiki cikkeket hozhat létre
    • Láthatja más felhasználó pontjait, feltöltési adatmennyiségét és helyezését annak profiljában
    • Hozzáférhet a nyilvános log-hoz
    • Opcionálisan kikapcsolhatja a reklámokat az oldalon
    • Tölthet fel Anonymous-ként

    • Naponta feltölthető torrentek száma: korlátlan
    • A feltölthető torrent mérete: nincs minimum
    • Havonta elkövethető hit'n'run-ok száma: korlátlan

    • Inaktivitás, vagy sorozatos szabálytalan feltöltések esetén.

    Ha szeretnél ebbe a csoportba tartozni, - a kritériumok teljesítésén túl - nincs más dolgod, mint írni a Staff-nak egy levelet. Levélbe írd, hogy mit szeretnél feltölteni.
    A rang igénylése kizárólag az előnyeiért súlyos szabálytalanságnak minősül, a visszaéléseket szankcionáljuk!


    Önkéntes segítők. Torrentekkel, számítástechnikával kapcsolatos kérdésekben tudnak segítséget nyújtani. Nem rendelkeznek speciális jogokkal (torrent törlése, adatok megváltoztatása), kizárólag segítségnyújtásra szakosodtak.


    Ezt a rangot azok a felhasználók kapják meg, akik sokat tettek az oldalért. Kérni az nCORE Staff-ot TILOS, hogy nevezzenek ki Téged is!

    Moderátor, Admin, Tulaj:

    Az oldal üzemeltetői. Kérni az nCORE Staff-ot TILOS, hogy nevezzenek ki Téged is!
  6. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    GFT Virgin
    The default class of new members.
    GFT Friend
    Can view NFO files, upload and exchange points for a title.
    GFT Dating
    Can exchange points for an invite.
    GFT Engaged
    Nothing extra yet.
    GFT Married
    Nothing extra yet.
    GFT Parents
    Can view their own ratio
    Has donated money to GFTracker .
    Family (VIP)
    Same privileges as GFT Parents and is considered an Elite Member
    of GFTracker. Immune to automatic demotion.
    Customised title.
    Special Uploader class
    Can do some things.
    Can do just about anything.
    Can do everything.
    Staff Leader
    The boss, does nothing.

    How does this promotion thing work anyway?

    GFT Virgin
    The default class of new members.
    GFT Friend
    Promotion conditions (automatic when these conditions are met):

    • Be a member for at least 4 weeks
    • Have uploaded at least 64 GiB
    GFT Dating
    Promotion conditions (automatic when these conditions are met):

    • Be a member for at least 8 weeks
    • Have uploaded at least 256 GiB
    GFT Engaged
    Promotion conditions (automatic when these conditions are met):

    • Be a member for at least 12 weeks
    • Have uploaded at least 512 GiB
    GFT Married
    Promotion conditions (automatic when these conditions are met):

    • Be a member for at least 16 weeks
    • Have uploaded at least 1 TiB
    GFT Parents
    Promotion conditions (automatic when these conditions are met):

    • Be a member for at least 16 weeks
    • Have uploaded at least 2 TiB
    Just donate, and send a message to Admin
    Assigned by mods at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site.
    (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    Conferred by mods at their discretion (not available to Users or Power Users).
    Appointed by Admins/SysOp (see the 'Uploading' section for conditions).
    You don't ask us, we'll ask you!
  7. Dark Angel / Guest


    User Classes

    Please note that the promotion to a higher class is not instantaneous; the promotion script only runs once every couple of hours. Should you have not received the class benefits that you ought to have, please try logging out and logging back in; this will often fix the issue.

    User: Your starting userclass.

    • Subject to Ratio Watch
    • Can Leech
    • Can Upload
    • Can access Advanced Search
    • Can access Top 10
    • Can manage collages
    • Can download multiple torrents at once.
    • Can add artists
    • Can make bookmarks

    Member: Users registered for >1 week, uploaded >5GB, with ratio >= 0.7.

    • Can Leech
    • Can Upload
    • Can vote on requests
    • Can make requests
    • Can access Advanced Search
    • Can access Top 10
    • Can manage collages
    • Can download multiple torrents at once
    • Can add artists
    • Can make bookmarks
    • Can create polls

    Power User: Registered for >= 4 weeks, uploaded >= 10GB, uploaded >= 1 torrents, ratio >= 1.05.

    • Given up to 2 invites per month (with a maximum total of 4), depending on the health of your invitees. If your previous invitees suck, then you get fewer new invites per month.
    • Can access Invite Forum
    • Can leech
    • Can upload
    • Can vote on requests
    • Can make requests
    • Can access Advanced Search
    • Can access Top 10
    • Can access Notification system
    • Can manage collages
    • Can have a personal collage
    • Can access advanced Top 10
    • Can make bookmarks
    • Can download multiple torrents at once
    • Can create polls
    • Can add artists
    • Can edit unknown release information
    • Can create collages

    Elite: Registered for >= 8 weeks, uploaded >= 50GB, uploaded >= 10 torrents, ratio >= 1.05.

    • Given up to 3 invites per month (with a maximum total of 4)
    • Can leech
    • Can upload
    • Can vote on requests
    • Can make requests
    • Can access Advanced Search
    • Can access Top 10
    • Can access Notification system
    • Can manage collages
    • Can have a personal collage
    • Can access advanced Top 10
    • Can make bookmarks
    • Can author wiki pages
    • Can download multiple torrents at once
    • Can create polls
    • Can edit torrents
    • Can add artists
    • Can edit unknown release information
    • Can create collages

    VIP: Special people of the site. Anyone asking to be a VIP will never get it.

    • Given Unlimited Invites
    • Access to VIP forum
    • Can leech
    • Can upload
    • Can vote on requests
    • Can make requests
    • Can view old requests
    • Can access Advanced Search
    • Can access Top 10
    • Can access Notification system
    • Can manage collages
    • Can have a personal collage
    • Can access advanced Top 10
    • Can make bookmarks
    • Can author wiki pages
    • Can delete tags
    • Can download multiple torrents at once
    • Can create polls
    • Can edit torrents
    • Can add artists
    • Can edit unknown release information
    • Can create collages

    Legend: Former staff
    All of the above and can send invites even when invites are closed.

    Staff: Uh, the Staff of indietorrents
    Moderator, Administrator, SysOp

    Other classes:
    Donator: Gets all of the perks of Member by helping support our site.
    First Line Support: Special users who have volunteered their time to help our users. Can be located on the staff page.
  8. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    When a member has under a .5 ratio they have 3 days to make it above that or they are warned for 7 days automatically by the system. If the member does not make it to .5 in those 7 days they are demoted to muppet and they have another 7 days to make it to 0.65. if they do not their account is automatically disabled by the system. A muppet is only allowed to have 2 active torrents. When a Muppet achieves a ratio of 0.65, they will automatically be promoted back to User class.
    The default member class.
    Power User
    Denotes that this member is an asset to the site.
    Has the same privileges as Power User and is considered a highly valued member of BitMeTV.ORG.
    This member has donated money to BitMeTV.ORG.
    Has donated money to BitMeTV.ORG, or has been selected by the staff for Elite status.
    Special member class for uploaders.
    Junior Moderator
    Can moderate user comments and forum posts. May issue warnings, disable accounts and edit torrents depending on assigned moderation tasks
    Senior Moderator
    Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and forum posts, issue warnings, and disable accounts.
    Can do just about anything.

    How does this promotion thing work anyway?

    Power User
    Must have been be a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 65GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05. The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that Power Users will be automatically demoted from this status if their ratio drops below 0.95 at any time.
    Must have uploaded at least 100GB and have a ratio at or above 3.0. All Power User conditions must also be fulfilled. The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that VIPs will be automatically demoted from this status if their ratio drops below 1.50 at any time.
    Just make a regular donation. The member's ratio must be greater than 1.0 at the time of the donation; otherwise, it goes to purchase upload credit and no star or promotion will be received.
    Assigned by staff at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site. This is also a donation promotion (if not donating for upload credit). Anyone begging for Elite status will be automatically disqualified.
    Assigned by staff to users who have contributed a great deal to the site. Other conditions apply. Do not ask for this user status... ever!
    Junior Moderator
    You don't ask us, we'll ask you! Usually picked by Staff for assisting with maintaining various areas of the site.
    Senior Moderator
    and above

    You don't ask us, we'll ask you!
  9. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    Candidate to get banned. Can only read forum. Can't write comments to torrents. Leecher has anonymity turned on
    The default user's rank while registering PolishTracker. Can turn on/off anonymitt
    Power User
    May view NFO files. Is also able to enable the status bar. It's all about regard that you are not User anymore.
    Extreme User
    Got same privileges as Power User. Can enable anonymity, added - user profile + added "Browse" option - possibility to merge torrent into tabs. Has acces to #PRE channel.
    L33T User
    Got same privileges as Extreme User. In user profile options eg. "Notice PW" - ability to hide red NEW PM notice
    Has donated PolishTracker.
    Got same privileges as L33T User. His account won't be automatically removed after 42 days. Have acces to the users search engine, can sort torrents by seed, leechs, date, etc. added - peer list + user lights. Can't be automatically degradated
    Other title.
    Got same privileges as VIP. Same as Vip can't be automatically degradated. Can create new torrents.
    PT Legend
    Got same privileges as VIP and Uploader, aswell can invite whenever he wants, change nickname annotation at request, can create torrents, got everything what he/she needs.
    Elite class for people exceptionally distinguishe for PolishTracker.
    Moderator Forum
    Can moderate posts, aswell as warn and ban users.
    Can edit and delete uploaded torrents. Can moderate users comments/posts, promote/demote users and warn/ban them.
    Can do almost everything
    Got full control over PolishTracker

    Deleted classes:
    Lite Uploader
    Got same privileges as VIP. Same as Vip can't be automatically degradated. Can create torrents. However he got smaller rights when creating torrents than Uploader (releases up to 350mb). Class deleted
    L33T Uploader
    Specially meritorious Uploader. Class deleted .
    Helps staff in users cases aswell as users themselves. Part of Support which spends their time also on #pt-support channel, where they help others. Class deleted.

    #2.13 - How does this promotion thing work?

    Degradation is automatic if user downloaded a minimum of 5GB data, and the ratio is less than 0.55.
    If user increase ratio over 0.65, will be automatically promoted to the rank: User. You can't have a warning.
    Deafault new user rank.
    Power User
    Must be a member for at least 4 weeks, has sent at least 100GB, ratio is equal or above 1.05, have no warning.
    Promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. However, if ratio falls below 0.95 the user will be automatically degraded to User.
    Extreme User
    Must be a member for at least 9 weeks, has sent at least 500GB data, ratio is equal or above 2,05, have no warning.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. However if the ratio falls below 0.95 the user will be automatically degraded to Power User.
    L33T User
    Musi być członkiem przez przynajmniej 18 tygodni, wysłał przynajmniej 2TB, ma ratio równe lub powyżej 3,05, nie ma ostrzeżenia.
    Promocja następuje automatycznie kiedy powyższe warunki są spełnione. Jeśli jednak ratio spadnie poniżej 2,95 taki użytkownik zostanie automatycznie zdegradowany do rangi Extreme User.
    Has donated PolishTracked and has filledconfirmation form.
    Determined by Moderators.He/She did something special for page.
    (Every, unathorized person, who will ask for VIP status will be automatically disqualifired)
    Lite Uploader
    Determined by Administrator or Sysop (Check 'Uploading' section). Class deleted.
    Determined by Administrator or Sysop (Check 'Uploading' section').
    L33T Uploader
    Determined by all Administrators and Sysops for exceptional achievements in uploading torrents.
    Prestigious class - removed and replaced by PT Legend class.
    PT Legend
    Determined by the acceptance of most Sysops, Admins and Moderators.
    Every, questions/requests to promote to PT Legend class = automatic disqualification.

    Don't ask us, We will ask you!. Class deleted.
    Moderator Forum
    Don't ask us, We will ask you!
    Don't ask us, We will ask you!
    You don't want to know. Believe us!
    Create your own tracker and name yourself.

    Promotion does not comprise members with tempbans and active warns.
  10. Dark Angel / Guest


    User Classes

    The table below lists all user classes available on PTM, ranked from high to low. For any promotion both the
    stats requirement and the membership time requirement has to be met if applicable. All promotions and
    demotion are automatic (except Celebrity). Do not ask for promotions, do not feel bad for being demoted.

    Probie: If you were demoted to Probie it is because you downloaded greater then 50GB without seeding back
    at least 50GB first. You need to hold a 1:1 ratio as a User to avoid Probie. Start small, large files are harder to
    seed back.

    User Class
    Download Slots
    Stats Requirement
    Membership Time Requirement

    Selected by staff
    Selected by Senior Staff+
    Selected by staff
    Selected by staff
    50TB Uploaded
    18 months
    15TB Uploaded
    12 months
    Donation / credits
    Donation / credits
    2.50TB Uploaded
    4 months and 19 days
    1.00TB Uploaded
    3 months and 8 days
    250GB Uploaded
    1 month and 27 days
    50GB Uploaded
    28 days
    Default class
    50GB+ Downloaded <50GB Uploaded

    * VIP status can be obtained in exchange for credits, or by donating to PTM
    * VIP are exempt from inactivity purge and Hit & Runs, and can access the VIP forums
    ** Probie's listed requirements are demotion criteria
    ** Probies are promoted to Mover as soon as the requirements for this class have been met
    *** Total number of download slots = number listed + slots bought with credits
    **** Mover class and up can transfer credits to other users and fill requests
    ***** Trader class and up may exchange credits for invites, and use invites
    * Editor is a working userclass. Members of this class perform torrent and forum functions
  11. Dark Angel / Guest


    1. What happens after VIP status is over?
      Once VIP status is over the immunity to automatic demotion and H&R immunity ends and the donation star disappears [​IMG]. You will be demoted to The class that corresponds with your ratio at that time until you donate again.
    2. What are the different user classes?
    3. Users with a ratio below .30 & who downloaded more than 1 GB for 1 week (7 days) will be warned to correct their ratio. They will only be able to seed torrents. The browse page will not be accessible so past torrents will need to be seeded to get back to the user class. If they don't fix their ratio after 2 weeks they will be automatically demoted to peasant. Peasants will have 2 weeks to increase their ratio or their account will be deleted.
    4. User
    5. The default class of new members.
    6. Power User
    7. Are able to make requests for torrents, view the Top 10, and apply for Uploader status. [​IMG]
      Has donated money to IPT and are immune to automatic demotion & H&R warnings. Upon donation H&R warnings are cleared, and immune for the rest of their VIP period from more warnings. NO donation makes you immune from seeding for life. Even though you are VIP, and immune, seeding is required.
    8. Same privileges as Power User and is considered an Elite Member of IPT. Immune to automatic demotion, immune from H&R warnings and upon donation all H&R warnings will be removed
    9. Uploade
    10. Same as PU except with upload rights and immune to automatic demotion. Can access new parts of the forums, have access to the peers list on any torrent that has not been uploaded "anonymous"
    11. IPT Staffers, can edit comments and Torrents respectively. Respected members of the community, staffers that give their time for free to keep there areas clean.
    12. Moderator[
    13. Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts.
    14. Administrator
    15. Can do just about anything.
    16. IPT Gods
    17. Staff Leaders a.k.a God's.
    18. How does this promotion thing work anyway?
      Power User
    19. Must have been a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 50GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05.
      The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from
      this status if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time.
    20. [​IMG]
    21. Any donation (other than FreeLeech donation) will gain you this
    22. VIP
    23. Assigned to the best of the best, and no other. Also given when a user donates. (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    24. Uploader
    25. Appointed by IPTorrents Staff (see the Uploading section for conditions).
    26. TCM/TDE
    27. Appointed by IPTorrents Staff. Do not ask.
    28. Moderator
    29. You don't ask us, we'll ask you!
    30. Why can't my friend become a member?
      There is an invite limit. When that number is reached we stop accepting new invites so no new members can join. Accounts inactive for more than 3 months are automatically deleted, so keep trying. (There is no reservation or queuing system, don't ask for that.)
  12. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    The default class of new members.
    Power User
    Has more download slots and also receives other perks available only to Power Users and higher.
    Donor [​IMG]
    Has donated money to Cinematik.net.
    Same privileges as Power User and is considered an Elite Member of Cinematik.net. Immune to automatic demotion.
    Customised title.
    Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments, forums, warn and disable accounts.
    Can do just about anything.
    Site god.
    How does this promotion thing work anyway?

    Power User
    Must have been a member for at least 8 weeks, have uploaded at least 100GB and have a ratio at or above 1.15.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from
    this status if your ratio drops below 1.05 at any time.
    Donor [​IMG]
    Just donate, and send a SysOp - and only a SysOp - the details.
    Assigned by mods at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site.
    (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    Conferred by mods at their discretion (not available to Users or Power Users).
    Appointed by Admins/SysOp. Special class for those users with bigger than average "pipes".
    Don't ask us, we'll ask you!
  13. Dark Angel / Guest

    CosaNostra (CN)

    We have the following user classes

    More Info
    Default User Class

    50 GB
    25 GB
    View Users List
    1 Tier One Weapon + 100 Reputation Points.

    200 GB
    100 GB
    Buy Custom Title
    1 Tier Two Weapons + 300 Reputation Points.

    600 GB
    300 GB
    Give Cash Gifts
    Weapons Mastery Rank + 700 Reputation Points.

    1.2 TB
    700 GB
    Request Invites
    2 Crew Positions + 1200 Reputation Points.

    2 TB
    1.2 TB
    Request Invites
    5 Crew Positions + 1800 Reputation Points.

    Selected By Staff
    Elite Members Picked by Staff.
    Selected By Staff
    Official Uploaders and Encoders.

    Selected By Staf
    FLS Picked by Staff.

    Selected By Staff

    Selected By Staff

    Selected By Staff


    * Zio and Capo classes promotion depends on Real stats ONLY.
    * Reputation Points are earned by Membership Length , Forum Posts , Torrents Uploaded & Snatched , Request & Re-Seed Filled , Permanent Seeding Rep and other unknown features.
    * Bullets are earned by Donations , Just Donate And Send Details To A3M.

    [​IMG]Dynamic Promotions

    Rep Type
    Forum Posts Rep
    Membership Length Rep
    Snatched Torrents Rep
    Seeding Rep
    Request Filled Rep
    Torrents Uploaded Rep
    Permanent Seeding Rep
    Torrent Comments Rep
    Total Reputation
    Ratio not less than 1.5
    *As you see some rep requirements are optional , but it will be useful to make you reach the total rep required amount.
    *All other fields are required , having total rep amount from 1 field wont help you to be promoted .
    *You can check your rep details in your userdetails page.
    * If you drop below the minimum ratio for each rank, you will be demoted.

    * Please note that the stats aren't all updated on the fly, some as snatch rep/torrent history as well as some others are updated every 12 hours.

  14. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    The default class of new members
    Power User
    This title given by KG according to share ratio.
    Given to users who contribute by filling reseed-requests.
    Given to users who fill a considerable amount of requests.
    Same privileges as Power User and is considered an Elite Member of KaraGarga.net. Given by SysOps according to contribution to the tracker and forums. Immune to automatic demotion.
    Same as PU except with upload rights and immune to automatic demotion.
    Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts
    Can do just about anything.
    Site owner

    How does this promotion thing work anyway?
    Power User
    Must have uploaded at least 50GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05. Has been a member for more than 90 days.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from
    this status if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time.
    Just donate, and send message to FlacityBug .
    Assigned by mods at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site.
    (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    System Regulated.
    System Regulated.
    Appointed by Admins/SysOp (see the 'Uploading' section for conditions).
    You don't ask us, we'll ask you!
  15. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    Users who have downloaded more than 2GB, and who have a ratio below .50 for a period of 1 week (7 days) will be warned to correct their ratio. They will be able to seed/leech the default 20 torrents. If they don't fix their ratio within 1 week of receiving that warning PM they will be automatically demoted to the peasant class. Peasants will have 2 weeks to increase their ratio or their account will be deleted. Peasants can only download torrents that they have uploaded or have previously leeched.
    The default class of new members. If you have uploaded less than 10GB you will only be able seed/leech 20 torrents at a time. After you have uploaded 10GB and your ratio is above .5 you will be able to seed/leech 50 torrents at a time.
    Power User
    Will get access to the Log, Bookmarks, Requests, 150 slots, and more.
    Will get the ability to invite new users to the site, an elite number of slots, and bragging rights.
    All the perks of Elite class, and will get the super bragging rights of an old man who has been around and seen it all.
    Has donated to keep x264.me alive
    Similar privileges to Elite and is considered an important member of x264, a very important member. Immune to automatic demotion. Certain hidden perks and power apply, such as having over 9000 slots.
    Customized title for VIP/Donor+ or given at staff discretion.
    See Here
    Being that all users are allowed to upload here, the Uploader class consists of users who have consistently proven to be an asset to the site and shown dedication to supplying quality releases.
    Forum Mod
    Can edit posts, torrents, and comments.
    Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts.
    Can do just about anything.

    How do promotions work?
    **Note: Promotions may take up to 24 hours to become effective once the requirements are met.
    Power User
    Must have been be a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 25GB (real 25GB - used bonus doesn't count) and have a ratio at or above 1.05.
    Note: Infinite ratios do not count, and you will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time.
    Must have been be a member for at least 12 weeks, have uploaded at least 300GB (total, bonus usage does count on this one) and have a ratio at or above 2.00.
    Note: You will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 1.95 at any time.
    Must have been be a member for at least 1 year, have uploaded at least 1TB (total, bonus usage does count on this one) and have a ratio at or above 2.00.
    Note: You will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 1.95 at any time.
    See Here
    Assigned by mods at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site.
    (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    Conferred by mods at their discretion (not available to Users or Power Users).
    Appointed by Administrators (see the 'Uploading' section for conditions).
    Forum Mod
    Don't ask us, we'll ask you!
    Mods are formed when one admin loves another admin and they want to share their love with the world!
  16. Dark Angel / Guest

    Bit HDTV

    • [​IMG] What are the different user classes? [​IMG]
    • Peasant
    • Can't download .torrents-files.
    • User
    • The default class of new members.
    • Power User
    • Get 2 invites, can view torrent seeders and leechers in torrent details, NFO files and Power User forum.
    • Elite User
    • Can view Top 10, Log and Invites forum.
    • Insane User
    • Get 3 invites, ability to set anonymous for seeding/leeching/uploading.
    • Veteran User
    • Ability to set custom title in profile,Veteran forum
    • [​IMG]
    • Has donated money to BiT-HDTV.
    • VIP
    • Same privileges as Veteran User and is Very Important Person. Immune to automatic demotion.
    • Other
    • Customised title.
    • Encoder
    • Have some secret privilegies.
    • Dedicated BHD user
    • Dedicated BiT-HDTV users, have some secret privilegies
    • Moderator
    • Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and forums.
    • Administrator
    • Can do just about anything.
    • Owner
    • Siulas (site owner).
    • [​IMG] How does this promotion thing work anyway?
    • Peasant
    • Regular Users demoted to lower class, they have 12 days to improve ratio, after that they are banned.
      The demotion is automatic when these conditions are met:
      1. If you have over 20GB downloaded you are required to have a ratio above 0.300.
      2. If you have over 50GB downloaded you are required to have a ratio above 0.400.
      3. If you have over 100GB downloaded you are required to have a ratio above 0.500.
      4. If you have over 150GB downloaded you are required to have a ratio above 0.600.
      5. If you have over 200GB downloaded you are required to have a ratio above 0.700.
    • Power User
    • Must have been be a member for at least 5 weeks, have uploaded at least 50GB, downloaded 50GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05.
      The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from
      this status if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time.
    • Elite User
    • Must have been be a member for at least 10 weeks, have uploaded at least 200GB, downloaded 100GB and have a ratio at or above 2.05.
      The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from
      this status if your ratio drops below 1.95 at any time.
    • Insane User
    • Must have been be a member for at least 15 weeks, have uploaded at least 500GB, downloaded 150GB and have a ratio at or above 3.05.
      The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from
      this status if your ratio drops below 2.95 at any time.
    • Veteran User
    • Must have been be a member for at least 20 weeks, have uploaded at least 1TB, downloaded 250GB and have a ratio at or above 4.05.
      The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from
      this status if your ratio drops below 3.95 at any time.
    • [​IMG]
    • Just donate, and send Ijiin - and only Ijiin - the details.
    • VIP
    • Assigned by mods at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site.
      (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    • Other
    • Conferred by mods at their discretion (not available to Users or Power Users).
    • Encoder
    • BHD encoders. Automatic demotion if at least 1 encode per month isn't released.
    • Dedicated BHD User
    • Appointed by Admins
    • Moderator
    • You don't ask us, we'll ask you!
  17. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    Users with a ratio below .45 & who downloaded more than 10 GB for 1 week (7 days) will be warned to correct their ratio. They will be able to leech 2 torrents. If they don't fix their ratio after 2 weeks they will be automatically demoted to VCD and limited to 2 torrents max. VCD will have 2 weeks to increase their ratio or their account will be disabled.
    The default class of new members. You are only able to leech 3 torrents at a time.
    Are able to leech 100 torrents at a time. You can view NFOs and request reseeds on poorly seeded torrents.
    As DVD
    As DVD
    Has donated money to http://sdbits.org.
    Same privileges as DVD and is considered an Elite Member of http://sdbits.org. Immune to automatic demotion. Can change their title at any time.
    Customised title.
    Same as DVD except with upload rights and immune to automatic demotion.
    Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts.
    Can do just about anything.
    Gods among users!.
    How does this promotion thing work anyway?

    Must have been be a member for at least 4 weeks, have downloaded at least 30GB and have a ratio at or above 0.95.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 0.9 at any time.
    Must have downloaded at least 500GBs and have a ratio at or above 1.4. Note that you will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 1.3 at any time.
    Must have downloaded at least 500GBs and have a ratio at or above 2.5. Note that you will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 2.3 at any time.
    Just donate, and send PM to a sysop with the details.
    Assigned by mods at their discretion to users they feel contribute something special to the site. (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    Appointed by Admins/SysOp (see the 'Uploading' section for conditions).
    You don't ask us, we'll ask you!
  18. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    The default class of new members.
    Power User
    Can view NFO files.
    Extreme User
    Can make requests, and they also can upload torrents.
    Has donated money to HD-bits.ro.
    Same privileges as Extreme User and is considered an Elite Member of HD-bits. Immune to automatic demotion.Only a part of the VIP`s can upload.
    Same as Extreme User , but has a more intense upload activity. It is immune to automatic demotion.
    Can edit and delete any uploaded torrents. Can also moderate user comments and disable accounts.
    Can do just about anything.
    System administrators

    How does this promotion thing work anyway?

    Power User
    Must have been a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 300GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted back
    to User if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time.
    Extreme User
    Must have been a member for at least 6 weeks, have uploaded at least 1TB (1024GB) and have a ratio at or above 2.50.
    The promotion is automatic when these conditions are met. Note that you will be automatically demoted if your ratio
    drops below 2.25 at any time.
    Just donate, and send up - and only up - the details.
    Assigned by mods at their discretion to users that they feel contribute with something special to the site.
    (Anyone begging for VIP status will be automatically disqualified.)
    Appointed by Admins/SysOp (see the 'Uploading' section for conditions).
    Appointed by SysOp only. Send a PM to some SysOp if you think you have or you are a good candidate.
  19. Dark Angel / Guest


    What are the different user classes?

    * Banned - Unable to access site features. You want to avoid getting here.
    * Warned - Unable to upload or download new torrents. Try to avoid getting here.
    * User - Able to view most of the site and forum. 5 leech slots & 2 active requests. Accounts disabled if not accessed for 1 month.
    * Parked - The account has been set into a safe mode. Immune to pruning for 6 months. After this time has passed, account will be be restored to previous user class. Parking your account immediately after downloading something or after receiving a warning will be viewed as an attempt to get around the site rules, and could lead toyour account being banned.
    * Power User - Access to site and forum is the same as user. 15 leech slots & 5 active requests. Accounts disabled if not accessed for 3 months.
    * V.I.P - Access to site and forum is same as user, but also has access to a part of the forum that only they can see. 20 leech slots & 10 actives requests. Account disabled if not accessed for 6 months.
    * Elite V.I.P - Access to site and forum is the same as V.I.P, but also has access to a part of the forum that only they can see. 25 leech slots & 15 active requests. Immune from pruning. More perks are being added.

    Staff User Classes:
    * Moderator - Able to view/edit/delete torrents, forum posts, news, etc. Able to issue warnings/ban users.
    * IRC - Same as Moderator. Also runs the CartoonChaos IRC channel with absolute power.
    * Admin - Manages the site. Can (and will) do just about anything.
    * Sysop - Codes the site. Can do (and code) just about anything
    How does this promotion thing work anyway?

    * Banned - Excessive breaking of the rules or being inactive for more than the minimum term bring you to this point.
    * Warned - Given for rule breaking.
    * User - Where all users start.
    * Power User - Automatically awarded when you have a minimum 50GB upload and 10GB download and have been a member for 4 weeks.
    * V.I.P - Awarded by staff at their discretion, but can also be gained by donating at least $5 or equivalent.
    * Elite V.I.P - Awarded at staff discretion for exemplary behaviour. Asking to be promoted will only ensure that you don't get a promotion.
    * Moderator - You don't ask us. We ask you. Asking to be promoted to moderator ensures that you won't be one.
    * Admin/Sysop - Given at owners discretion for exemplary work as part of the staff team. Which is given depends on the skills you have.
    Utoljára szerkesztve moderátor által: 2020. május 03.
  20. Dark Angel / Guest



    • Default class for all new members.
    Power User

    Promotion requirements:

    • Been a member for at least two weeks
    • A ratio of 1.05 or better
    • Either uploaded at least 10 GB and 10 torrents or uploaded at least 1GB and 100 torrents
    Demotion requirements:

    • Ratio drops below 0.95
    • Either upload falls below 10GB and 10 torrents or upload falls below 1GB and 100 torrents

    • Create collections
    • Add torrents to collections (unless protected)
    • Access to the Power User and Invite forums
    • Exempt from inactivity disabling
    • Receives one invite on the 1st and 15th of every month (maximum of 2)

    Promotion requirements:

    • Been a member for at least four weeks
    • A ratio of 1.05 or better
    • Uploaded at least 20 GB and uploaded at least 100 torrents
    Demotion requirements:

    • Ratio drops below 0.95
    • Upload falls below 20 GB or number of uploads falls below 100

    • Create and edit collections (unless protected)
    • Add torrents to collections (unless protected)
    • Edit torrent page descriptions and images
    • Moderate authors, creators, publishers and tags
    • Access to the Elite, Power User, and Invite forums
    • Exempt from inactivity disabling
    • Receives one invite every Sunday (maximum of 4)
    Other classes

    These classes are not part of the promotion and demotion routines, but they are still subject to the same ratio requirements as everybody else.

    • VIP
    • Torrent Celebrity
    • Librarian
    • Moderator
    • SysOP