Külföldi torrent oldalak Nebulance (Transmithe) | TtN Red Aces Squadron

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. november 20..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Members of the Fleet,

    As Commander of the Fleet I am proud to announce to you our new Red Aces Squadron

    Members of the squadron are in essence elite members that have heard the call of duty and gone above and beyond to serve the Fleet. They have heard the cries in the darkness and have shone a light on the despair of others in need.

    As you know or may not know all user uploads on Nebulance are checked and approved by staff after upload. However, in certain cases we award Trusted Uploader status to users such as yourself that have demonstrated that they can upload without galmonging their uploads. This means that your uploads will be automatically approved by the system. You will still need to check and monitor your uploads and if you notice something wrong to fix it. If you are unable to fix it you can report it to be fixed.

    These are new and unique permissions for the RAS Group. They will also have a shiny new badge too!

    Article: User Classes & Promotions

    • Can add tags
    • Can add multiple tags at once
    • Can delete tags
    • Can scrape info from TVMaze

    Don't ask to join this group. It will be give to to those that have earned it at the discretion of staff.

    // So say we all
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