Külföldi torrent oldalak MyAnonaMouse | MAM Seeding Requirement Modifications

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 27..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Beginning July 15, 2013 there will be some changes to the seeding rules of MyAnonamouse.
    The current rule reads:

    2) Minimum seeding of individual files:
    - For all torrents you must seed back for 72 hours or to a 0.5 ratio, whichever comes first. The 72 hrs can be accumulated time AFTER download completion so that members are not obliged to seed back continuously. (You can turn your computer on and off whenever you wish! File seeding will resume at the point it left off as soon as you are connectable again BUT DO REMEMBER that if your computer is on for, 8 hours a day this means you must seed for 9 days).

    The new rule will read

    2) Minimum seeding of individual files:
    - ALL torrents must be seeded for 72 hours.
    The 72 hrs is accumulated time AFTER download completion and MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 14 DAYS (TWO WEEKS).
    Members are not obliged to seed back continuously. (You can turn your computer on and off whenever you wish! File seeding will resume at the point it left off as soon as you are connected again BUT DO REMEMBER that if your computer is on for, 8 hours a day this means you must seed for 9 days).

    A) For the vast majority of users this will mean NO CHANGE since it is very hard for the home user to get a 0.5 ratio within 72 hours anyway.

    B) For seedbox users who can get a 0.5 or even much higher ratio even before they have completed the download of the torrent this will mean they have to disable the automatic removal on ratio and go on a time value greater than 72 hours to ensure their time and system time agree.

    C) Uploader will be affected also in that many remove their uploads as soon as one or more seeders are available. This will require them to maintain seeding for the full 72 hours also.

    Please note that at conversion we will put any torrent that has 0.5 ratio but not 72 hours to 72 hours to satisfy the new requirements. This will mean no torrent prior to July 15, 2013 will be penalized if previous requirements have been met. If the time and ratio have not been met then the torrent will still require the 72 hours seed time.