Külföldi torrent oldalak Nebulance (Transmithe) | TtN Site Changes & Season Pack Uploads

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. szeptember 20..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Recently you may or not not have noticed that the YouTube trailer is no longer available on the details page or the show page. There are numerous reasons for this and most notably dead trailers which is a pain to keep track of and update.

    Today I have removed the requirement to add 2 screenshots at upload time for a Season. The screenshot lark is a waste of time and effort and again I have found multiple dead links to both Imgur and NBL's own image host. This will massively simplify uploading for everyone. All that needs to be done is to simply add Media Info and the system should take care of the rest.

    If available on TVmaze individual Episodes on NBL have a screencap of the Episode. We're thinking of adding those screencaps to the details of a Season torrent. This is a dedicated TV site and not a HD movie site, and in my opinion it isn't really necessary to have screens for each Season upload.

    This also massively reduces my own workload, recently I had caught some users using the same screens for multiple seasons of the same name. It will also take away their ability to abuse the system in this regard.

    Less is always better!

    Oh and last but not least please check out this Article: Reseed Individual Episodes as a Season Pack
    NBL guarantees to snatch any Season that is created and uploaded to NBL in this regard.

    // So say we all
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