Külföldi torrent oldalak BakaBT | BBT *Staff applications 2017*

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. november 13..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    With the recent big changes to the tracker and transition from a public model to a private one we are again in a position of requiring more staff to keep thing running smoothly.
    So, after 2 years, it's time again for a new recruitment drive.

    To those who still remember, requirements are still similar as they were before - and this should go without saying but -

    We are not looking for temporary help, that is staff members that will disappear after a month or so. If you choose to apply please be sure that you want to commit your time to being a mod in the long run.
    If you cannot commit to that, please do not waste our time by applying.
    But if you believe you're up to the task, leave us a comment here telling us a bit about yourself and why you feel you would make an excellent contributing staff member.

    The standard requirements are, of course, still in effect:

    What we're looking for:
    - Familiar with our Wiki info.*
    - Familiar with our torrent offer system.*
    - Knows how to make a comparison of releases.
    - Know how to interpret comparisons, and make a weighted decision on a release.
    - Respectable, not a douche.
    - Must know how to use IRC. This is our main form of contact.*
    - As always, can speak coherent English...

    *very important~!

    Not as important, but a plus:
    - Knows HTML/php coding
    - Has a fast/respectable connection (For quickly obtaining different releases for comparison purposes)

    If you have decent knowledge of Japanese, please don't forget to mention it. This, of course, will not be a deciding and/or eliminating factor, but will be a big plus for your application.

    There is no requirement on how long you have to be a member to be considered. However if you are a ghost, your chances are non-existent.
    Which means - show us what you can do. Comment on pending offers, get involved in the release discussions on the forums, provide comparisons you will be required to make if you get accepted.
    We don't hire randomly, we will do a background check on you.

    Applications will be open for 2 weeks - that is until 27.11.2017.
    Any questions you can find me on IRC, or consult with a staff member.
    Submit your applications here. All applications sent through PM will be automatically rejected!
