Külföldi torrent oldalak ABTorrents | ABT The Power Of Audiobooks

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. április 07..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    The Power of Audiobooks

    The following is a loose translation of an extract of an article from Baidu.com where lots of Chinese news etc gets published it may seem slightly disjointed but I have tried to stay as close to the original as possible.
    Following an experiment in Shenyang in North Eastern China amazing results were acheived by students at Shenyang experimental school sitting for their year 4 examns. 1600 students using tablet PCs in class and at home for homework managed to pass English tests usually reserved for middle school students. Other subjects showed decent improvements as well but efter three years of English at their fingertips the young pioneers of Shenyang Experimental surpassed the closest ranked schools by 3-4 years.
    The young students have been using a combination of audio and ebooks for all their all their language learning needs. Furthermore the school has gone out of its way to ensure that the experimental group had enjoyable titles available aside from their regular coursebooks.
    The most impressive feat though was that 84% of the students were able to test out as being able to assimilate roughly 8500 words of English text to a level where they could successfully answer detailed comprehension questions on that amount of text in single double periods of 90min including time for quizzes, testing and comprehension questions.

    This is something that is going to cause serious waves throughout the English as a Second Language community as results on this scale are absolutely undeniable in terms of efficacy. Applying these techniques to this relatively new media is one of the coming challenges facing the ESL community.
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