Külföldi torrent oldalak Top 10 Most Pirated Movies Of The Week – 07/06/15

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. július 06..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Mad Max: Fury Road' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Jurassic World.' 'The Longest Ride' completes the top three.

    This week we have three newcomers and one returnee in our chart.

    Mad Max: Fury Road is the most downloaded movie for the second week in a row.

    The data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only.

    All the movies in the list are BD/DVDrips unless stated otherwise.

    RSS feed for the weekly movie download chart.

    Ranking (last week)

    1 (1) Mad Max: Fury Road (Webrip)

    2 (2) Jurassic World (TS)

    3 (5) The Longest Ride

    4 (…) Minions (TS)

    5 (3) Cinderella

    6 (4) Get Hard

    7 (…) Home

    8 (8) Kingsman: The Secret Service

    9 (…) Spy

    10 (back) Furious 7 (HDrip)

    Source torrentfreak.com