Along with the new nostalgic look, we have a brand new text editor: Compared with the old one, this editor is immeasurably better. It handles copy/paste formatting 1000x more accurately, it comes with new features such as draft saving, and it's much better aesthetically (you can actually see the buttons). Moving on, we have the social forums fixed to allow for creating separate forums rather than jumbling them all together as we have now: In addition, you can now create fully private social groups that require being invited to join. Our next feature is hashtagging, this allows for members to add hashtags to their posts, such as follows: When you begin to type a #tag it will automatically display already used tags, giving you the option to tag a post with an already used tag: Popular hashtags are then automatically added to a trending display on the main forum page: Where you can then sort by thread or by post to view all the threads on this particular topic in one list: This will be of particularly good use for forums like News and Politics where you can use hashtags like #islamaphobia or #USgunviolence After that we have the TPS Wiki: No longer will forums like Site News be clogged with 20 sticky threads, instead we'll have a fully searchable Wiki that contains all the rules, history, tutorials and information needed for new and veteran members alike: Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks.