Underleech.org Review

A témát ebben részben 'SeedBox bemutatók' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. február 15..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Name: underleech.org
    Speed: 1Gbit - 9/10
    Support: 10/10
    GUI: ruTorrent 3.3
    Speed of GUI: 8/10
    Package: Seed Slot Silver
    Price: 48$/m
    Overall rating: 9/10

    Seed Slots - Seed Slot Silver
    HDD: 500GB/User
    Client: Rutorrent WebUI
    VPN: OpenVPN
    Active Torrents: Unlimited
    Port: 1Gbps
    IP: Dedicated
    Max 6 users per server
    Traffic: Download Unmetered
    Traffic: Upload 3.3TB**

    **After uploading 3.3TB your rtorrent is slowed to 7Mbit
    Additional Traffic can be purchased $3.50 per TB (Minimum purchase 2TB)

    First of all, the owners of those seedboxes are the admins of TorrentLeech. You don't really need to be a member in TL, but if you buy a box you can get an invite.

    The setup of my box is almost instant. My payment through google checkout took a while to authorize (about half an hour), but when it was finally auhorized I got an instant mail with my user login.

    I'll start with the support, the two guys that are the admins of TL and these boxes are really nice and mostly availabe. I always contact them via IRC, they are online at most of the time. In every case or quistion I had, I got an answer right away.

    Speeds are great. I got up to 70mb/s download and 68mb/s upload

    I have to say that the speeds were really stable, they stayed pretty fast for a long time, not like other seedboxes, that I got good speeds too, but it went down really fast.

    The only thing that wasn't really good for me with this box was the FTP speeds to my home connection. But don't really think it's the box, it's probably my ISP. I mostly use CuteFTP or FileZille to split my download connections and get higher speeds.
    From Site to Site transfer I got max speed of 95mb/s.

    Well, in conclusion, I really enjoy this box and the support I get from it. Was really good for me to increase my ratio in some Trackers.

    Enjoy :tef344:
    Utoljára szerkesztve moderátor által: 2015. február 15.
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