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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. október 17..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Lakhely :

    Cateva lamuriri cred ca sunt necesare...

    1. O buna parte dintre voi ati sugerat sa introducem o subscriptie de cativa euro ca si cum asta ar rezolva ceva...
    Nu a fost niciodata vorba despre bani. TOT staff-ul face si a facut munca voluntara. Nimeni nu castiga bani, a fost si este un hobby pentru toata lumea. Asta e scopul unui site ca FileList, sa fie gratis, lumea doneaza cat si cand vrea. Comunitatea a tinut site-ul in viata in tot acest timp. De aia nu ati vazut reclame, nu ati fost bombardati cu mesaje despre donatii, etc. Donatiile acopereau necesarul si a fost totul OK in tot acest timp.

    2. Haideti sa lasam teoriile conspiratiei la o parte. Nu totul este o conspiratie...
    De prin 2020 am tot incercat sa las site-ul cuiva... Am incercat de 2 ori deja. Lucrurile astea dureaza, increderea se castiga greu, nu cunosti un om in 1-2 luni in asa fel incat sa pot lasa site-ul oricui se ofera acum.
    Doar ideea ca vine cineva care incepe sa gandeasca site-ul asta ca pe o afacere si sa inceapa sa faca bani cu el si e suficient. Nu vreau sa isi bata joc nimeni de ceea ce a insemnat si inseamna FileList.

    3. Legat de alternative pentru ca lumea a tot intrebat. Daca o sa gasim vreo alternativa buna, promit ca va anunt aici. Nu va faceti conturi pe toate balariile de site-uri. Nu peste tot este cum a fost pe FileList, nu fiti naivi. Aveti grija unde va inregistrati. Aveti rabdare ca timp este... nu va grabiti.

    4. Legat de baza de date... se va sterge la final de tot, complet. Toti userii beneficiaza de securitate si de anonimitate. Deci pentru toti cei care cer baza de date, este mai mult decat evident ca nu o vom da niciodata la nimeni.


    I think a few clarifications are necessary...

    1. A good part of you suggested that we should introduce a subscription of a few euros as if that would solve something...
    It was never about money. ALL of our staff members did voluntary work. No one earns money here, it was and it is a hobby for everyone. That is the purpose of a site like FileList, to be free, people donate as much as they want and when they want. The community has kept the site alive all this time. That's why you didn't see ads, weren't bombarded with messages about donations, etc. The donations covered the necessary costs and everything was OK all this time.

    2. Let's leave the conspiracy theories aside. Not everything is a conspiracy...
    Since 2020 I've been trying to leave the site to someone else... I've tried 2 times already. These things take time, trust is hard to win, you don't know a person in 1-2 months so that I can leave the site to anyone that pops up now.
    Just the idea that someone comes and starts thinking of this site as a business and starts making money with it and that's enough. I don't want anyone to destroy what FileList meant and means.

    3. Related to alternatives because people kept asking. If we find a good alternative, I promise to let you know here. Don't create accounts on all kind of websites. Not everywhere is like it was on FileList, don't be naive. Be careful where you register. Be patient as there is time... do not rush.

    4. Related to the database... it will be completely deleted at the end. All users benefit from security and anonymity. So for all those who ask for the database, it is more than obvious that we will never give it to anyone.