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    2014. augusztus 31.
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    Vote for Best Torrents of 2014

    (Deadline: Jan 15, 2015 @ midnight GMT) (LAST CALL!)


    TheGeeks Weekend Freeleech [HASHTAG]#219[/HASHTAG]

    Discussion Of the Week:

    What Technology Are You Looking Forward To In 2015?

    Discussion on this topic -> Here

    And last but not least, this week's FLOTW torrents:

    The Brunel Experience (1988)

    The Bristol University Library which houses Brunel's notes and many of his original designs, hosted a special course for teams of 170 secondary school technology students from throughout England. They were challenged with creating solutions to problems inspired by Brunel's work within specific guidelines for materials, deadlines and costs. The programmes alternate nicely between historical facts in documentary style, and the student projects.

    Who's Afraid of Designer Babies? (2005)

    Every parent wants their child to have the best in life. But would this extend to picking the best genes for them? To date, genetic technology has only been used to treat serious disease in children. But as ways are developed to manipulate our DNA, there are those who think that parents will inevitably want to choose their children's genes, and create 'designer babies'.

    How to Go Faster and Influence People - The Gordon Murray F1 Story

    In the secretive world of F1 designers, Professor Gordon Murray is a legendary figure. Having spent 40 years designing one innovative car after another, his portfolio includes the most successful F1 car ever raced and what is widely considered to be the greatest sports car of all time. But today Professor Murray has set himself even more challenging goals as his focus turns from racetrack to public road.

    Night Mail (1936)

    Night Mail is an account of the operation of the Royal Mail train delivery service, and shows the various stages and procedures of that operation. The film begins with a voice-over commentary describing how the mail is collected for transit. Then, as the train proceeds along the course of its journey, we are shown the various regional railway stations at which it collects and deposits mail. Inside the train the process of sorting takes place. As the train nears its destination there is a sequence - the best known in the film, in which Auden's spoken verse and Britten's music are combined over montage images of racing train wheels.

    These torrents can be downloaded for free effective NOW and until Sunday 23:59:59 UK Time.

    Check your local UK time by clicking HERE.

    Don't forget... these torrents are only free until Sunday 11 January 23:59:59 UK Time. After that time they will no longer be free!

    If you are still leeching at or after that time then you will have the download added to your download total.