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Üdvözlünk a(z) XWT-Classics adatlapján!


Profil adatok

Elérhetőség Link az oldalhoz
Szint 5
Típus Sport
Felhasználók 7666
Torrentek 1391
Regisztráció Meghívóval
Arány Közepes
Nyelv angol
Az oldal alakult

További bemutatók


Az oldal jelenleg: Online
Elérési állapot: 0 (magyarázat)
Hasonló oldalak: Piranha Exchange Community
Wrestling Desires
Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

News - 02.01.22

Happy New Year!

Free leech has now ended, we hope you managed to download and seed some of the larger torrents you wanted during this time.

By posztoló

Freeleech - 25.12.21

Christmas Free Leech!

All of the staff at XWT-Classics would like to wish our members a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. We hope that you are able spend some quality time with family, eat good food and have the odd drink (or 10).

Free Leech on ALL Torrents until January 1st is now live!


By posztoló

News - 09.10.21

Our Free Leech has now ended. We hope you enjoyed XWT's birthday celebrations!

We have also randomly selected our winners for our Raffle, who have won Free Leech for a YEAR on ALL Torrents. The winners are:





If any of you want a bit of nostalgia and see what XWT and XWT-Classics have looked like over the past 16 years, check the thread below:

By posztoló

Freeleech - 27.12.20

Merry Christmas - Free Leech!

ALL torrents are now Free Leech until January 1st 2021

Everyone at XWT-Classics would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


By posztoló

News - 01.10.20

XWT-Classics 13 Year Anniversary!

XWT-Classics, you are now 13 years old! Under regular circumstances, i would never imagine a dedicated wrestling tracker which is mainly aimed at 70's/80's/90's would stay online for this length of time. But this is a testament to our members, who continue to upload and seed extremely rare shows which can't be found anywhere else on the internet! It is this loyal member base which keeps XWT-Classics online.

We say it every single year and it still remains as true as ever, as long as we have the support of all of you, we will be here for many more years to come!

We are also continuing to have a traditional donation competition for our anniversary. Not only will you receive double upload credit, everyone who makes a donation will also be entered into a raffle. All winners will be chosen at random and will receive 1 YEAR Free Leech on ALL Torrents. And there will be 3 lucky members who receive this prize!

This is a birthday after all.. so enjoy the presents! <3

**Clap** THANK YOU MEMBERS **Clap**

- Full Re-Design Of Our Tracker (Clear your cache and refresh the page if it doesn't load fully).

- XWT's 15 Year Anniversary (Check there for details).

- 7 Day Free Leech On ALL Torrents (Ends October 7th).

- 5 GiG Upload Credit For EVERYONE (Current members only).

- 2 Day Double Upload On ALL Torrents (Upload 100meg and you receive 200meg and so on) (Ends October 3rd).

- Free Leech For A YEAR Raffle - Make Any Donation To Be Automatically Entered (3 Winners!) (Ends October 10th).

- 10 Day Double Upload Credit When Making A Donation.

By posztoló

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