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Üdvözlünk a(z) Racing4Everyone adatlapján!


Profil adatok

Elérhetőség Link az oldalhoz
Szint 6
Típus Sport
Felhasználók 3605
Torrentek 4528
Regisztráció Szabad
Arány Közepes
Nyelv angol
Az oldal alakult

További bemutatók


Az oldal jelenleg: Online
Elérési állapot: (magyarázat)
Hasonló oldalak: XWT-Classics
Piranha Exchange Community
Wrestling Desires
Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

Site Update - 12.03.22

Hey everyone,

I updated the site during the last couple of days, as most of you know probably noticed.

Considering I am not a pro and this site being kind of a hobby to me, it took a little longer than I wanted it to take, but I am honestly trying my best! :).

I strongly suggest to clear the cache and cookies you have saved for R4E.

There are still some things to do, but the site is functional (I tested it as good as I can do on my own) and I will just work on things while the site is live.

Please use the ticket option to report bugs or issues. Obviously you can comment as well, but it's just a little less clutted if the comments are not filled with bug reports. :)

With that being said, I really want to thank every single one who is a part of this community and who makes this site a great place for many other people.

Thanks for your patience.

PS: Should you receive any Hit and Run warnings in your inbox, please don't worry, these were giving out by mistake and I already deleted them off your inboxes. However, should there be any, let me know and I'll have them removed from your inbox. No matter how many warnings are given out, no one will be accidently banned because of it!

By CF dealer

Freeleech - 17.04.21

Global Freeleech Mode Activated!

By CF dealer

News - 28.03.20

FL and Other Stuff

Hello everyone!

I really hope you're all well and healthy and follow the recommandations of staying home to prevent spreading the COVID virus further.

Obviously most if not all events are postponed or cancelled. However, for the time being we will have free leech on all torrents and our hit and run system deactivated to encourage you to download anything you want to make our contribution by hopefully making your time a little more enjoyable at home.

Stay safe and enjoy the content

- R4E

By posztoló

News - 26.02.20

In case you received hit and run warnings..


we noticed there was an issue that occured because of the server update we did recently.

We just want to let you know that we're disabling all warnings received because of that and hope for your understanding. It's just that some systems were messed up during the update and don't work as intended (FYI; the hit and run warnings were given retroactively for torrents from a year ago).

We fixed the issue but still disable warnings that weren't justified.

If you got any questions or doubts, message a staff member

- R4E

By posztoló

Change in Ratio - 23.02.20

Change in Ratio

After the previous announcement of the change in ratio, 0.1 each month, ending in 1.0 at September 1st, we noticed a certain fear, mostly from new users, of the imposibility to keep such a ratio.

Based on the poll we created, we had 42 votes liking the idea, 23 suggesting increase to 0.7 and 35 to 0.5 only. A total of 100 votes agreeing with the raise and only 14 against it.

So, for the time being, we'll keep the schedule but only to 0.5 at April 1st. In the future, when we don't have a lot of new users as we have now, we may get back to this discussion.

However, even though requirement will only be 0.5, you should still aim to have ratio above 1.0. This means you are contributing as much as you are taking, which is what P2P is actually about.

Right now we think it is necessary to remove this fear from our users, and we are gifting 1000 BON to everyone, to give you a foundation to build on, which should also help you to improve your ratios.

By posztoló

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