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Üdvözlünk a(z) BakaBT adatlapján!


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Elérhetőség Link az oldalhoz
Szint 7
Típus Vegyes
Felhasználók 134804
Torrentek 17598
Regisztráció Szabad
Arány Könnyű
Az oldal alakult

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Az oldal jelenleg: Online
Elérési állapot: 0 (magyarázat)
Hasonló oldalak: Aftershock
Xtreme Zone
Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

News - 02.01.22

Happy New Years 2022

With 2021 coming to an end, people are eager to celebrate the start of something new. However, celebrations are likely to be muted this year as well as the pandemic continues to ride the Omicron wave. In such a scenario, going out and partying may not be advisable, but that doesn't mean you can't celebrate the arrival of 2022.

The winter/new year Freeleech this year will be running until January 17th 00:00 CET.

As the world continues to fight the pandemic, we wish for strength and good health for you and your family this new year.

Happy holidays and enjoy the Freeleech!

By posztoló

News - 31.08.21

I've got this from the IRC support channel.

But BakaBT is right now under a DDoS attack.

By posztoló

News - 15.08.21

BakaSHOTS will be down for this weekend

Hey guys! A quick one.

We're upgrading our server for BakaSHOTS. As a result, BakaSHOTS will be down for the weekend while it is relocated to its new home.

During this transition period you can expect:

● You won't be able to upload new images to BakaSHOTS.

● All torrents and avatars (with very few exceptions) will contain no images.

After BakaSHOTS goes back live, I'll have to update our internals which can take some time. Hopefully, all goes well. (I think you already know that part).

Besides its dependency with BakaSHOTS, BakaBT will have a normal, though dull (no images) weekend.

Who knows, we might just convince Duki to give us some freeleech after the server is live and everything is up and running.

Happy dull (BBT) weekend!

By posztoló

News - 13.03.21

Site is having connection problem . you may face error .

By posztoló

News - 09.03.21

Server hardware maintenance at 12/03/21 @ 21h GMT

Posted by brunoais at 2:33 am on March 9th 2021

Hey guys!

There will be hardware maintenance scheduled for this Friday 12/03/21 @ 23h GMT.

To allow the smoothest process, BBT (including the forum) will be put on read-only mode, maybe even preemptively shutdown at Friday 12/03/21 @ ~21h GMT for a few hours.

The torrent tracker will be placed offline during this period.

BBT will stay in read only mode until I finish the checkup the next day Saturday 13/03/21 @ 10h GMT.

If something goes wrong, BBT's downtime will be extended depending on the required maintenance, updates via Twitter.

Get your weekend shows in advance. ~

~ brunoais

By posztoló

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