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Szint 3
Típus Vegyes
Felhasználók 30603
Torrentek 19901
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Az oldal jelenleg: Offline
Elérési állapot: 0 (magyarázat)
Hasonló oldalak: TorrentMasters
Műszaki TorrentTanya
Xtreme Zone
CinemaMovies ZT
Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

Hirek! - 06.01.20

The-Torrents merged with! All accounts have been saved and you can enter using the username and password on The-Torrents.

By bincy

News - 29.12.19

Site is down. The server is not responding.

By posztoló

News - 31.08.19


Every Donation of 10 Euro Minimum, by paypal, Brings Unlimited VIP

- 50 Tb upload credit!

- 5000 Invites!

- 999,999 bonus points!

- Donor Star

- Donor Cup

- Slots Unlimited

- Download unlimited of Torrents on

- You Will not get banned (like ordinary users) for bad ratio.

- Removes the wait-time on torrents.

- Reset Warning Level.

- Your account due to inactivity Will never expire.

- Custom Title

- Tracker Statitics

- Access to Online Users

- User Prestige Award Vip

- Last but not least you help The-Torrents to stay alive!


Where does my money go to?

Your money goes solely to the running cost of the servers and B/W needed to keep this site running.

The bill with the host is to be paid on the 1st day of each calendar month.

Your money also go for the new servers!

All Donations are much appreciated. Without your support we simply would not and will not be here.

Thanks to everyone who donates to keep us alive!

Vip access includes:

No wait time restrictions, regardless your ratio.

No slot restrictions, regardless your ratio.

Immunity to the auto-ban because of low ratio

Premium Support and high priority from First Line Support queries.

You will get a distinct pleasure, knowing that you are helping The-Torrents providing you the best service at all time ;)

By posztoló

B.Ú.É.K!2019! - 28.12.18

Ez egy ünnep! Élvezze a békét, a fényt és a melegséget szeretteivel. Szabadítsd meg a szívedet, és nyisd meg a lelket, hogy megkapd a szeretetet és a boldogságot. Legyen a te lelketek újjászületése, és minden nap felbecsülhetetlen ajándékként éljen!

The-Torrents Staff Team

By bincy

Donate - 21.09.18

Buna Ziua, Avem o noua oferta doneaza 10 euro si primesti: 30TB Upload, 999,000 Puncte Bonus, Vip Status Permanent si 3000 invitatii.

Momentan acceptam doar, Paypal si Card de Credit.

Linkul unde puteti face donatia :  DONATE NOW

Dragi utilizatori, sa stiti ca nu ne face placere sa stam si sa cersim donatii luna de luna la voi, dar realitatea ne impune acest lucru.

Luna aceasta nu s-a primit niciun ban din donatii iar serverul nu se intretine singur. Daca puteti sa ne ajutati financiar va rugam sa o faceti din pagina de donatii.

Avem nevoie de 55 de Euro pana pe data de 25-09-2018

Pentru donatii apasa AICI

Va multumesc ca ati ales sa cititi pana aici. 

Good day, We have an offer donate 10 euro and you received: 30TB Upload, 999,000 Bonus Points, Vip Status Permanent and 3000 invites.

Currently, we accept PayPal/Credit and Debit Cards.

Donate Link: DONATE NOW

It's hard for us to say every month that we need your help. Our budget is very low for this month (0%) and we must pay our hosting fees.

Please do not hesitate to help us by donating.

We need 55 Euro up on 25-09-2018

To make a donation Click Here

Thanks for reading. 

By CF dealer

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