Üdvözlünk a(z) MXNET adatlapján!

Profil adatok
Elérhetőség | Link az oldalhoz |
Szint | 4 |
Típus | XXX |
Felhasználók | 2636 |
Torrentek | 5375 |
Regisztráció | Szabad |
Arány | Közepes |
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További bemutatók
Az oldal jelenleg: | Offline |
Elérési állapot: | 0 (magyarázat) |
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Anonymus 2017-05-03 |
Legfrissebb hírek
http://magnetxxx.net/-news - 01.10.17
Lets Talk...
So many of us just want to nip in and grab our porn. Which is fine. That's what we do here. But what you may not know is that we actually aspire to be an online an online community. This was never intended to be simply a snatch and grab torrent site.
Posting questions about the site, news, general chat, and funnies helps us to grow as a community. So here's what we're going to do:
Starting Forum Threads
- Starting your first thread in the forums with a poll question will get you 1,000 credits.
- Starting your first thread in the forums without a poll question will get you 750 credits.
- Starting your second thread in the forums with or without poll: 500 credits
- Starting your third thread in the forums with or without poll: 250 credits
Forum Responses
- 500 credits for your first USEFUL response to any forum thread.
- 250 credits for your second USEFUL response to any forum thread.
- 250 credits for your third USEFUL response to ant forum thread.
If you don't know what credits are, and why you really want them please take a look at what you can do with them here:
Now we don't care what you say and we don't care what you do. The purpose of forums is open discussion. We don't ban, censure, or moderate here. It's your site so knock yourselves out.
By bincyKépek az oldalról:

Megtekintve:1530 alkalommal