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Anonymus 2017-05-26 |
Legfrissebb hírek
News - 01.05.21
Welcome Quebec Members
Forum presentation of Quebec Members
Discover who comes from Quebec.
Discussion, exchange,
Sharing of film preferences and others
HD-Forever is a French-speaking TK site above all even if it is from France.
I have been there since its first year.
I am a pure wool Quebecer from the Laurentians.
Looking forward to meeting you.
By posztolóNews - 22.02.21
Testing a common pot for freeleech
Hello / Good evening,
In the next changes to the site we intend to implement a common pot for total freeleech on the site.
In order to determine the members' interest in this function and establish the best settings in the event of implementation (number of points for triggering, maximum per participation, etc.), we have created a manual pool on the forum.
We are not waiting for suggestions on this post (so as not to pollute the post or to go off topic), if this function interests you, simply participate it will show us your interest in this function.
Thank you
HD-Forever team
By posztoló
News - 21.02.21
!!!! Money pot reached !!!!!
The site is in FreeLeech until 02/20/2021 23:59:59
By posztolóNews - 14.02.21
Google Translation:
Special "invite a friend" activity
Currently the invitation requests are limited from the uploader status and + which leaves the "Novice", "Member" and "Elite" without the possibility of inviting friends.
Following various conversations on the forum and PMs to the staff asking for an even temporary relaxation of this rule,
we have decided to take a special action limited in time.
The "Novice" status will not be affected.
From 02/14/2021 to 02/28/2021 it will be possible at the rank of "Member", "Elite", "Uploader", "Team / Releaser" to invite one or more friends without limit due to the number of invitations available on their account.
As a reminder, the direct sending of an invitation is not possible even if you have them on your account, only the staff can invite.
The other statuses and special titles are not affected by this time limit since they already have this advantage.
What is the procedure to follow?
You send a staff PM with the nickname desired by your guest as well as a (valid) email address, gmail, protonmail or tutanota.
Requests sent directly to a staff member will not be accepted, temporary and / or non-gmail, protonmail and tutanota email addresses will not be accepted.
Requests made outside the above dates will not be accepted.
The staff will create an account and send an email with the password to your guests.
Warning: You remain responsible for your guests, which implies that if your guest behaves inappropriately on the site, you risk a sanction on your account (ban on inviting permanently until your account is deleted) depending on the severity of your guest's action.
If all goes well, and the invitations are really distributed to people wanting to enter HD-Forever and not distributed just to say they have been distributed;
That we don't see invitation offers flourishing on the forums and TK. (Excluding forums and TK where HD-F staff suggests and / or authorizes it).
If we do not see any invitation sales on forums, TK or social media.
We could consider repeating this action once a year.
We remind you that the accounts on HD-Forever are free and that the site does not have any account on social networks.
By posztolóNews - 04.02.21
Google Translation:
Upload a new movie and receive up to 6500 Bonus points!
More here
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