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Torrentek | 910 |
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Anonymus 2018-04-21 |
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News - 17.11.21
2021-11-24 is HDHome's 7th anniversary, here we want to say thanks to everyone on HDHome.
Events during the anniversary:
1. Donation:
With a donation of USD300,you get permanent VIP + permanent yellow star (double bonus for seeding).
With a donation of USD200,you get 24 months VIP + permanent yellow star (double bonus for seeding).
With a donation of USD150,you get 12 months VIP + permanent yellow star (double bonus for seeding).
Note that there are no upload credits or other previliges from the above donation. (Only VIP + permanent yellow star)
This ends on 2021-12-01 00:00:00, and you can click me for more details.
2. Freeleech:
168-hour sitewide freeleech will be enabled at 2021-11-20 00:00:00!
3. Invitation:
User and above can send their invites.
Power User and above will also get one invitation (vaild during the event)
Period: 2021-11-20 18:00:00 to 2021-11-27 18:00:00
4. DOUBLE Points!
During the period, users get double points (1000 Bonus) for each torrent uploaded. We recommend Blu-rays for Movies/TV Shows.
Period: 2021-11-16 16:00:00 to 2021-12-01 18:00:00
5. Draw great prize with your Bonus!
By posztolóFreeleech - 19.09.21
HDHome Freeleech:
Starts: 2021-09-19 00:00:00 (GMT-08:00)
Ends: 2021-09-21 12:00:00 (GMT-08:00)
By posztolóNews - 14.04.21
Do not logout
Login page will be closed shortly. Do not logout. Bind your account with our Telegram bot ASAP if you haven't done it yet.
By posztolóNews - 13.04.21
This site will close the visitor access page on April 15, and the invitation channel will also be closed at that time.
1. Please try not to log out of the page
2. You can back up cookies if possible (Chrome EditThisCookie plugin))
3. If you are already in Q group or Tg group (you can bind your account to obtain the login link by yourself), you can rest assured, it is impossible Please seek the help of the administrator when logging in (Administrators also have their own life and work, please take care of them as much as possible)
By posztolóSeeding point introduced - 14.03.21
长期以来,本站一直存在刷流量保号行为。即是把用户等级刷到Nexus Master级别之后,不再保种也不活跃,只在有需要时看一下网站。
根据数据统计:本站Nexus Master级别的已经有超过一半为0做种用户,同时还存在很多只挂2,3个种的Nexus Master用户,这种情况是非常不利于网站的持续发展的。
1、本站引入积分挂钩制度使用循序渐进的方式,不会造成现有用户降级,但是如果由于其他原因造成降级的,重 新升级需要达到要求的做种积分。
2、做种积分制度不会影响你获取本站资源的能力,即不管你是什么级别,只要你有足够的上传量都可以下载对应 足量分享率的资源,本站要求的分享率为1.2。
Power User级别要求做种积分4万积分。(2021年7月1日)
Elite User级别要求做种积分10万积分。(2021年8月1日)
Crazy User级别要求做种积分18万积分。(2021年9月1日)
Insane User级别要求做种积分28万积分。(2021年10月1日)
Veteran User级别要求做种积分40万积分。(2021年11月1日)
Extreme User级别要求做种积分54万积分。(2021年12月1日)
Ultimate User级别要求做种积分70万积分。(2022年2月1日)
Nexus Master级别要求做种积分100万积分。(2022年3月31日)
1、 2021年7月1日要求4万做种积分可以升级Power User,则原则上来说,如果有足够的上传下载量和分享率,4万做种积分也可以直接升级到Nexus Master。
2、 2021年10月1日要求Insane User做种积分达到28万,则如果你在这时间之前有28万的做种积分,并且达到更高级别的上传下载量要求 时,也可以直接升级到最高级别。
总结:你需要在要求时间之前达到要求的做种积分,并且上传下载和分享率达到要求时,可以直接提升到最高级别 。
Nexus Master级别,大概相当于满魔保种1年。
Stat: Over a half of our Nexus Master are not seeding at all. Lots of the remaining seed only 2-3. They are inactive and visit HDHome occasionally. Obviously, this is no good for our community.
From now on, the upgrade of rank will be abided by seeding point as well.
1. Your current rank will not be affected owing to seeding point. But in case your rank is downgraded by other factors, you need to fulfill the corresponding seeding point in order to get an upgrade again.
2. Seeding point won't affect your download. You may download as much as you want. A sharing ratio over 1.2 is your unique obligation.
3. This new scheme will commence on 01Jul2021 and strengthened via following phases:
Power User require 40,000 seeding point(commence on 01Jul2021)
Elite User require 100,000 seeding point(commence on 01Aug2021)
Crazy User require 180,000 seeding point(commence on 01Sep2021)
Insane User require 280,000 seeding point(commence on 01Oct2021)
Veteran User require 400,000 seeding point(commence on 01Nov2021)
Extreme User require 540,000 seeding point(commence on 01Dec2021)
Ultimate User require 700,000 seeding point(commence on 01Feb2022)
Nexus Master require 1,000,000 seeding point(commence on 31Mar2022)
1. 40,000 seeding point is needed to upgrade to power user since 01Jul2021. You may also upgrade to other higher ranks with 40,000 seeding point, if you have fulfilled the corresponding ULDL and sharing ratio.
2. 280,000 seeding point is needed to upgrade to insane user since 01Oct2021. You may also upgrade to other higher ranks with 280,000 seeding point, if you have fulfilled the corresponding ULDL and sharing ratio.
The seeding point required for Nexus master is likely to seed at a maximum bonus point per hour for a year.
By posztoló
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