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The Times They Are A-Changin' & Chocolate Hearts - 14.02.25

Happy Valentine's Day GazelleGames!

Before we get to the good stuff, we wanted to give you an update on some recent changes around the site.

Staff Retirements

It is with a heavy heart that we formally announce that RurR, Mcsticken and GLaDOS are all retiring from staff duties. Unfortunately, as priorities shifted and new real-life responsibility took over, they could no longer dedicate their time and energy to manage the Gazelle family.


As many of you know, RurR was our long-time Administrator. Starting out as a TM for OST and Windows, he eventually moved on to leading the GGn Internals and Items Teams. From there, he took on more responsibilities as a Team Leader and ultimately became Administrator. RurR has been instrumental in the stability and decision-making of the site, not to mention always ensuring a steady supply of kibble for the hamsters!


Mcsticken was our Forum Games Moderator and part-time Developer. Starting out as a CM before taking on development duties, he made substantial contributions not only to keeping our forums fun and engaging, but also to pushing new features and fixes to a wide variety of site systems. At the same time, he somehow managed to casually handle all official recruitment on the site! Eventually, he took on even more responsibility as a Team Leader in charge of various aspects of the site.


Last, but not least, GLaDOS was in charge of the Gazelle Blog, Barkeep and Grief Counseling for over a decade. They wrote nearly 4,000 blog posts and were always at the ready with cake and a cold metallic shoulder to cry on.

They will all be sorely missed, but we are immensely grateful for all their many invaluable contributions over the years. While their departures sadden us all, the hamsters are still full of energy and the wheels running. Our trusted SysOps luminous and ZeDoCaixao will continue to keep them fed, aided by our very capable and dedicated group of staff.

Staff Promotions

We are pleased to announce that zibzab has been promoted to TM handling No-Intro / Manuals. He's been doing a great job as a Staff Trainee and we're excited to have him aboard as a full staff member. Please congratulate him on the promotion and give him a warm welcome!

Some of you may have already noticed that our overworked Windows TM dyno has a shiny new title. Please congratulate him on his promotion to Senior Moderator. He will still be handling TM duties in addition to some new responsibilities. Feel free to say hi if you see him lurking on IRC or the forums. We promise, he doesn't bite (hard)!

New Trainees

In addition to the two staff promotions, we also have two new staff trainees. Please join me in welcoming Aqua_Hoshino and Wealth. Aqua_Hoshino will be training as a new TM for OST and Wealth will be training as a new TM for PS3 & PS4. They both did an excellent job as Editors, so we are very excited to have them aboard and are most grateful for their time and expertise.

Editors Abound!

We are extremely pleased to announce that we have added two new editors to the Editors Team: forthewin (Windows) and Sharkendon (Windows). They have been doing an excellent job so far and we are most grateful for their work. So, please join me in thanking them for their ongoing contributions to the site!

As a reminder, anyone who is interested in joining the Editors Team, please send a Staff PM with a brief application. No prior experience is required, just enthusiasm and a bit of free time.

And now, without further ado, on to the event.

Chocolate Hearts & Red Roses

Valentine's Day is taking the time to share love with the one you can't live without and showing them how much they mean to you. To that end, we'd like to share this cheeky poem:

Valentine by John Fuller: Discuss]

By CF dealer

AirVPN Problems - 09.02.25

Hey GazelleGames!

As some of you may know, there have been ongoing connection problems between AirVPN's NL-based VPN endpoints and the GGn tracker. The issue is not on our end. At present, if you are using AirVPN's NL-based VPN endpoints to access the tracker, you will likely not be able to connect.

For now, the recommended workaround is to use a VPN endpoint from AirVPN based in a different country. We will update this post if and when we have any additional information to share.

GGn Staff

By CF dealer

Merry Christmas - 25.12.21

Merry Christmas GazelleGames!

It's been an eventful year. We've seen staff come and go, created a new Site Changelog, made a variety of rule changes, and clarified the status of Verified Dumps through comprehensive Upload Requirements. In addition to a number of smaller site changes, we have also recently revised the upload page to contain a lot less clutter and revamped most console platforms to follow specific geographical regions and countries, instead of the mostly outdated NTSC/PAL standards. We've got plenty more to come, and hope we can make GGn even better with everyone's help!

We are also happy to announce we recently reached the 100,000 groups milestone! Thank you to everyone who contributed to this effort, whether it be by creating groups, uploading into them, or improving them in various ways. Torrents and groups are the core of this community after all, and it's great to see so many people adding to them!

Winter Items & Crafting

With winter approaching, we can once again look forward to a selection of cool snow and hot beverages, complemented by a new line of crumbly treats! We've got a number of new cookies for everyone's enjoyment. They're said to be quite potent and some even have lingering effects! With all this snow falling, it's also an opportune time to build a snowman. Perhaps if we tempt it with a bunch of cookies, it'll even come to life and gobble them all up!

Check out the Book of Christmas Crafting for more information on these new crafting opportunities! There's also rumors of an elusive figure hiding in the snowy mountains; is there any way to catch a glimpse of it?

Many thanks to ThePeach, TNSepta, BuzzArmstrong, and Phantasm for their invaluable help in creating these items!

In celebration of all the wonderful contributions we've seen this year, our GGn Gazelle once again put together a nice present for everyone. You may have noticed the gift box in this post. Clicking it will award you with a variety of materials to be used in Winter crafting, a chance to get some unique pets and legacy items, as well as a variety of cookies and gold! We hope you'll enjoy your gift. You can claim it here:

Be sure to claim it within two weeks. A particularly grouchy gazelle is already setting up a heist to steal all of the remaining gifts!

We hope everyone will be able to enjoy these new treats. Merry Christmas and an early happy New Year!

GGn Staff

2.0x Chance Global Buff is Enabled. Expires in 3 days

By posztoló

News - 01.11.21

Ghastly Treats & Staff Hiring

Happy Halloween GazelleGames!

Frightening figures have been spotted floating around! Perhaps they are responsible for the disappearing images lately? Heralding a time of sweet horror, these otherworldly creatures have decided to visit us for the occasion. They will soon disappear once they've snatched their share of games, but for those who are left too aghast at this terrible sight, you can edit your profile to disable holiday effects altogether.

To celebrate the occasion, our ghoulish confectioners have come up with new and exciting sweets, filled with a variety of tempting boons and damning curses. Some are even quite crunchy! But be aware, you may be tricked! Eating Candies may be bad for a Gazelle's health, leading to short negative buffs and small amounts of lost gold & upload! There's also a new set of ghost cards to celebrate our floating friends. Can you find them all?

Most importantly, we've once again put together a selection of creepy treasures. Clicking the box below will award you a Ghastly Halloween Candy Box. You can open it in your inventory to get a random selection of candy, cards, and other horrifying items!

Be sure to claim your box quickly. A large mass of sentient ectoplasm is devouring all it can get in its nonexistent hands. We estimate it'll eventually cover the entire supply of boxes in two weeks time.

For those left unsatisfied by the box, more treats can be found all around the site. There are also rumors of mysterious remnants of ancient ruins that have been overlooked in the previous expedition. If they can be found, perhaps their unholy powers can be used to increase the sweet supply!

Thanks to our dedicated ghouls, ThePeach, Phantasm, TNSepta, and BuzzArmstrong for wrangling these new items from the abyss.

Torrent Moderator Hiring

Spooky as we are, GGn also prides itself in having a terrific quality of groups, information and torrents, a lot of which can be credited to our Torrent Moderators. We are frightfully thankful for the work these dedicated individuals put into the community, and we are looking for more people who are interested in moderating and managing platforms. We're especially looking for people interested in moderating PS3 & PS4, retro and older Nintendo platforms, as well as for OST and E-Book. However, any platform is open for motivated applicants!

If you are interested and believe you'd make a good candidate, please consider sending in your application. For more information on basic requirements and how to apply, please visit the latest TM Hiring Thread.

We hope you'll enjoy this frightful time!

GGn Staff

By posztoló

News - 28.10.21

Has been down already for 20 hours.

By posztoló

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