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Torrentek 7861
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Az oldal jelenleg: Offline
Elérési állapot: 0 (magyarázat)
Hasonló oldalak: VassiTorrent
Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

The end - 05.05.20


By CF dealer

Hirek! - 22.01.20

Invite system was enabled, new accounts will be created only this way.

By bincy

Hirek! - 07.01.19

- Starting with this moment, the invite system will become inactive, meaning that at least for a while you will not be able to use the invitations you have available.

- as you well know, most of us do not want users to fill. In this sense, all inactive accounts were deleted - without any activity on the site and not "parked". If you do not have activity for a longer period of time, notify someone in your staff, or park your account in the Profile section to prevent it from being disabled.

- please update your email address with an existing one to be able to recover your account if you forget your password - also under Profile.

- Even if the regulation is flexible, please keep the seed as much as you download. Also, please download what you are interested in in the first few days of your appearance on the site, to be sure you have from whom. Later, it will be quite difficult to find / rediscover.

- For better search results, please use the iMDb movie id in the search box, for example: tt0120737 If you want to search by name, we recommend using one keyword in the title of the movie, which guarantees more accurate results:

for example, if you are looking for: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

more exact results will be displayed if you just enter the word: Fellowship in the search box

By bincy

Useful info - 07.01.19

Google Translation:

- Starting with this moment, the invite system will become inactive, meaning that at least for a while you will not be able to use the invitations you have available.

- as you well know, most of us do not want users to fill. In this sense, all inactive accounts were deleted - without any activity on the site and not "parked". If you do not have activity for a longer period of time, notify someone in your staff, or park your account in the Profile section to prevent it from being disabled.

- please update your email address with an existing one to be able to recover your account if you forget your password - also under Profile.

- Even if the regulation is flexible, please keep the seed as much as you download. Also, please download what you are interested in in the first few days of your appearance on the site, to be sure you have from whom. Later, it will be quite difficult to find / rediscover.

- For better search results, please use the iMDb movie id in the search box, for example: tt0120737 If you want to search by name, we recommend using one keyword in the title of the movie, which guarantees more accurate results:

for example, if you are looking for: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

more exact results will be displayed if you just enter the word: Fellowship in the search box

By posztoló

Applications are open - 24.12.18

Google Translation:

Applications are now open for a limited time:

By posztoló

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