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Anonymus 2018-06-10 |
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Site Relocation - 08.06.18
Good day dedicated user,
I want to inform you personally that BTWorld will be relocating to a brand new site in the very near future. This will result in closing our current site, losing all of our members, torrents and our domain name will also be changing during this process. I would like to offer personally and on behalf of all of our staff, that our active users follow us to our new location supporting our continued growth. Please send a message to one of the site owners Natalia or Mitsu if you wish to be an active part of our next chapter. Your Upload, Download, Ratio and Bonus points will follow you over to the new site.
By posztolóDiscord info - 16.05.18
Hello everybody!
Come see us on our Discord Chat Server!
If you don't have Discord, click here to download it
After you download it or if you already have Discord, click here to get invited to our chatroom.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
By posztolóGlobal Freeleech! - 12.05.18
Global Freeleech mode activated! Global Open registration activated! Global Double upload mode activated!
18 days, 8 hours
By macseklanyEltűnt az összes link az egyik legnépszerűbb torrentoldalról - 25.12.17
Eltűnt az összes link az egyik legnépszerűbb torrentoldalról
Több torrentgyűjteményben lehetett vele keresni, de most lényegében használhatatlanná vált a Torrentz2.
A tavalyi nyár több népszerű torrentoldalt is elsöpört, köztük a Torrentz.eu-t is. Az oldal egyik legnagyobb látogatottságot elkönyvelő utódja a Torrentz2 lett, ami ugyan működni még mindig működik, éppen csak a lényeg tűnt el belőle – írja a Torrent Freak.
Az oldal adatbázisa még mindig tele van mindenféle torrentoldalakból származó adatokkal, kereshetünk is benne, ám a folyamat végén, a találati listából néhány napja eltűntek a konkrét torrentfájlokra mutató linkek. Ezek nélkül nem sok értelme van az egésznek, a kereső felhasználó így hiába látja, hogy megvan az általa kutatott tartalom, nem juthat hozzá.
A Torrent Freak szerint egyelőre nem tudni, hogy technikai problémáról van-e szó vagy jogi gondok akadtak. Ez utóbbival kapcsolatban, ha szokott torrentezni, önnek is érdemes tudnia róla, hogy nyáron megszületett az Európai Unió Bíróságának ítélete a fájlmegosztókkal kapcsolatban. A torrentoldalakra, illetve a torrentezőkre nézve kedvezőtlen határozatról itt olvashat.
By csigafiGoogle's 'Torrent Apocalypse' Might Have to Wait - 11.07.17
Googles obliteration of the entire torrent ecosystem could be put on pause, according to sources. And strangely, it all depends on European regulators.
Last week, we reported that monumental changes in Googles Chrome browser could single-handedly wipe out torrent sites. The reason? The next Chrome update promises to block a range of bad ads, including everything from pop-ups, malware, and even ads that follow a users downward scrolling.
Sounds great for users, and horrible for pirate sites. And the reason is that crappy, malware-infested ads are the lifeblood of the entire torrent ecosystem. Pull those bad ads, and youve basically choked the entire lifeblood of the torrent pirate economy. And yes, that includes the Pirate Bay, not to mention every other pesky torrent hub.
Its a simple solution for wiping out torrent piracy. Except, it might not happen on schedule. And the reason is a ferocious battle with the European Union.
But wait: doesnt the EU want to eradicate piracy, too? If only it was that simple.
For those just tuning into the battle between the EU and Google, anti-competitive issues have already cost the search giant billions. Late last month, Google got slapped with a monstrous, 2.4 billion ($2.7 billion) fine for unfairly steering shopping searches to its own shopping destination.
Or at least, that was the allegation. Google says its merely sending users to the stores and outlets they want. The EU says theyre starving deserving retailers and demanding an algorithm overhaul in 90 days.
Which brings us to Googles ambitious mission to clean up internet advertising.
Google says its making the web a safer neighborhood. And for publishers like Digital Music News, cleaner ad experiences means healthier audiences and fewer ad-blockers. But critics are already blasting the search behemoth for playing referee in its own soccer match. After all, Google delivers billions of ads through platforms like AdX and AdSense, which will undoubtedly be judged as kosher.
Thats exactly the same dynamic that resulted in a $2.7 billion fine, which means the search giant is likely to proceed with caution.
Actually, Google says it might block its own ads, too.
The reason is that they are acting as part of the Coalition for Better Ads, an industry-wide group determined to make a better advertising ecosystem. Advertising helps support valuable free content, robust journalism and social connections across the internet, the Coalition explains. Consumers, however, are increasingly frustrated with ads that disrupt their experience, interrupt content and slow browsing.
Leading international trade associations and companies involved in online media formed the Coalition for Better Ads to improve consumers experience with online advertising.
Bravo! But will the EU put the kibosh on a healthy internet change because its unfair?
Now, its all a wait-and-see. Perhaps Google will roll the dice and see what happens. Of course, its unlikely that scrappy torrent sites have much political sway, though more established ad networks that fall afoul of the Coalitions rules could lodge complaints. Which is exactly what happened on the shopping side.
Stay tuned.
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