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Szint 5
Típus Film
Felhasználók 2752
Torrentek 14261
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Az oldal jelenleg: Online
Elérési állapot: 0 (magyarázat)
Hasonló oldalak: VassiTorrent
Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

Invites! - 23.12.21

Everyone's favorite topic: Invites! Invites! We are glad to announce that one invite each will be given to all members who are currently directors or cinephiles. These should be used to invite someone you know and have vetted that will use the site and contribute. More invites may be given directors and cinephiles in the future if things go well. For now, we will start with the one invite. Please use these invites wisely and follow the guidance HERE.

The store will remained closed and the only other means of joining the site will remain through official recruitment channels.

Discuss this announcement here.

By CF dealer

News - 15.03.21

You may remember we re-nabled the invite store a while back. Well as can only be expected it was abused on a few occasions and led to a influx of users who obtained their invites through trading sites.

Invites are now disabled for all user classes except staff and 'Legend' class and all invites have been set to zero.

Invites will only be given out through official recruitment threads on select trackers.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Discuss here.

By posztoló

Invites - 14.03.21

You may remember we re-nabled the invite store a while back. Well as can only be expected it was abused on a few occasions and led to a influx of users who obtained their invites through trading sites.

Invites are now disabled for all user classes except staff and 'Legend' class and all invites have been set to zero.

Invites will only be given out through official recruitment threads on select trackers.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

By CF dealer

User class title changes - 23.02.21

Just a quick word to let you all know that the user and staff class titles have been changed. All requirements remain unchanged.

By CF dealer

Pop Up Contest! - 07.02.21

Love is in the air! What better way to enjoy it than watching a movie? From classics to modern favorites, there are countless movies in the romance genre. Get ready to laugh, cry and everything in between with your favorite lovers and heroines.

Secret Cinema will be holding a film review contest revolving around the theme "Romantic Movies People Never Get Bored Of". The competition involves reviews and ratings of movies that will put you in the mood for love, whether you spend Valentine's Day with the object of your affection or have the couch all to yourself.

1.Rate and review films that prove the fact that instead of the red balloons, overpriced roses and boxes of chocolate you can just settle in for a Valentine's Day movie marathon (short/feature films only, no TV series, documentaries etc.).

2.Your review should be a few lines and start with the text Romantic Movies People Never Get Bored Of contest. Explain in your review why you think the film qualifies (if the explanation includes spoilers, hide them using spoilers).

3.Only new ratings and reviews qualify.

4.Submit every rating and review in the film's page and link to it in this thread.

5. You may NOT rate and review a film and submit it as an entry if another user has already done so.

If you can, help us by adding all entries to the contest's collage.

Contest will start on Sunday, February 7th, at 8:00 AM UTC.

Contest will end on Sunday, February 14th, at 8:00 AM UTC.

We will review all entries and announce the winners.

Good luck!

Contest Thread

By CF dealer

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