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Anonymus 2017-05-01 |
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Useful info - 10.01.19
720p Files Will Not be Made Freeleech Anymore
It has come to our attention that with more and more torrents coming out in HD, and our "safe date" advancing steadily over the years, that there is so much freeleech it's becoming too easy to leech without seeding. (And yet, members still manage to get disabled for running their ratio into the dirt. Come on, people, even I can do basic math.)
Therefore, beginning immediately, no new 720p files will be made freeleech. In addition, over the coming months, those 720p files that have been "set free" will have their freeleech status removed. You will still find a huge amount of freeleech on the site that you can use to build yourself a ratio buffer. And there will still be the Show of the Day and Staff Picks. Frankly, even with the 720s removed, you could spend years downloading nothing but freeleech without running out of things to watch.
(For those who want to make sure their 1080p uploads meet the criteria, there's Information here.)
Because we realize that such changes are painful, and that you, our cherished members, have never been inclined to suffer in silence, we've started a thread that you can use to tell us why our decision is a drastic mistake, morally reprehensible, and one of the top ten reasons Star Trek: Discovery ended early. Please register your gripes here: 720p Files Will Not be Made Freeleech Anymore Do bear in mind, however, that this is not a democracy. The aristocracy wields the whip. We allow you to scream in pain, but it doesn't alter how hard we swing.
By bincyChristmas Banner Competiton 2017 - 28.11.17
Will YOU be the winner of the 2017 Christmas Banner Competition ?
2017 TheVault Christmas Banner Competition!
Last Years Winner
Design a festive banner of your choice - one that would fit in with the ethos of TheVault and that has appeal. The winner receives the ultimate accolade - their banner on our site - plus an added prize of free GigaBytes!
The top 3 entries will win + A new bonus category this year - Best Business Themed Christmas Banner !
To find out more and to enter click HERE (*) and of course, we wish all our members
Design a festive banner of your choice - one that would fit in with the ethos of TheVault and that has appeal. The winner receives the ultimate accolade - their banner on our site - plus an added prize of free GigaBytes!
The top 3 entries will win.
The image requirements are as follow:
Size = 1000 x 124 pixels
Format = JPG, GIF or PNG
No animated banners!
To enter you need to put your image on a free hosting site (e.g. imgur, tinypic, hostpic) in a post below. You may enter as many times as you wish. To do so just edit your post and add the new banner in on a new line. Do NOT make a new post.
If you want to include TheVault's current logo in your entry,
you can grab it as line art right here:
Deadline for entries: 23:59:59 GMT/UTC December 16th 2017. Winners will be announced shortly after this date.
1st Place: 30 GB ratio
2nd Place: 15 GB ratio
3rd Place: 10 GB ratio
Funniest/Cheesiest Entry: 5 GB ratio
NEW - Best Business Themed Entry That Captures the Feeling of Christmas 10GB
PLUS: ** 2 GB ** bonus just for entering!! (genuine entries only)
Judging for the winners will be done by TV Staff!
PLUS (subject to staff approval) - your banner may be used for the site over the Christmas period.
So hang on to your 1000 x 124 images, we may ask you for them (or we may not!)
Good luck and thank you for your time and contributions!!!
By posztolóNews - 25.05.17
New User To Power User Wait Times @ 2017-05-24 19:03:23 GMT
We have introduced new rules for the User to Power User Promotion for new members who joined since we moved to our new home. Although the rules page states 4 weeks (don't worry we're in the process of updating it) the new rules now require all users to wait 4 months before they are auto promoted to Power User Status. You must of course meet the other requirements but the fastest you can become a power User is now 4 month from your join date.
As stated we'll get the rules page updated in the meantime if this applies to you, the system is working fine but you will need to wait longer now with our new rules in place. Please note these rules are not flexible, the wait time applies to all new users.
By posztolóMissing Torrents Are Being Recovered - 13.05.17
Missing Torrents Are Being Recovered @ 2017-05-13 00:39:21 GMT
We are in the process of recovering all the torrents missing due to the downtime and the domain change. We expect to complete this in a few days.
After that, the ownership of the torrents will be re-assigned to their original uploaders and we will work on restoring the correct whitelisting of the GB torrents.
We appreciate your patience as we are bringing everything back in order.
By posztolóNews - 06.05.17
Discussion and Torrents of The Week - Negotiation @ 2017-05-05 22:46:59 GMT
*** NOTE ***
Because of all the NEW members to TheVault... and those who lost ratio coming over to TheVault.click....
Staff has decided to FREE roughly 2.75 GB of torrents.
Remember - not every week's 'Torrent of the Week' is FREE. This week is special.
Consider it a small stimulus package, courtesy of the staff.
Will there be other stimulus packages from staff to come? We shall see...
Enjoy! http://thevault.click/pic/smilies/smile1.gif
Once very important aspect which is often overlooked when conducting business is
It can be the the difference between getting the business or not, or getting the best price to make more profit.
How are your negotiation skills, what leverage have you used to get the best outcome
Discuss HERE
FREE Torrents of The Week:
Chris Voss - Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It
Get it HERE
Donald Trump, Tony Schwartz - Trump: The Art of the Deal
Get it HERE
David Sandler - President's Club
Get it HERE
William Boyd - How To Play Your Hand: Lessons From Poker For Negotiators
Get it HERE
Jim Camp - NO
Get it HERE
Mark Goulston - Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone
Get it HERE
By posztolóKépek az oldalról:

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