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Hasonló oldalak: ThePlace
Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

News - 13.01.21

TL DR - Users and power users caught violating download rules will lose their account, Uploaders and VIPs will be suspended for one week

Through diligent work and keen observation our crack mod team has identified many members who have been disregarding the download rule of 6. Many members and Power Users have been deleted from the site without hesitation. VIP members are the life blood of this site and as such have been ignored for breaking the 6 per user rule, but it has to stop. With immediate effect VIP members caught breaking this rule will face a 1 week suspension for the first offence. Similarly VIP members violating the required time for seeding back have been allowed a pass. This also has to stop (I am going to notice when you hit and run on one of my torrents).

By posztoló

News - 13.12.20

Hi everyone,

I hope that this finds you well and avoiding the virus pandemic!!

It has been a very poor year for the human race no matter who you are and where you are......the main thoughts I have are to everyone who has been affected by the virus and to people whose loved ones have passed away....and to everyone who catches the virus. All I can say after that is to stay safe and stay well.

Now one thing I have to say is Thankyou to our kind donators who keep the site funded even through these financially hard times, well done to you all. If you can please thank any VIP members if you get a chance ......!

Everyone on our site can upload so please go to the Forums where you can find good tutorials on how to do this......and any problems please speak to us.

If you have any spare time why not become a staff member and be there to help our members and help run the site. If you would like to be a staffer please send staff a pm.

I have to say a great Thankyou to our strongest Uploader A*** who continues everyday to upload great content.

Personally I mainly upload audio books and VIP packs so please search through my uploads and if you want any of them and they aren't seeded please pm me and I will seed straight away.

Thats it for now .......

Kind Regards

i***, B*** and our great staffers

By posztoló

News - 13.08.20


We have done a massive clean up of the site. We deleted many dead torrents, some that have not been seeded since 2015. I realize our numbers plummeted, but by doing so we have helped out the speed and usability of site. We ask that all of our members try to upload as much as you can. We have a lot of material to make up for, thank you.

By posztoló

News - 14.07.20

This is to everyone!


I hope this finds you all well and enjoying your reading and our site?

Im writing this short message to inform you that for some reason my version of Utorrent decided to mess up some of my torrents which meant I had to delete them as there was not the full 100% of the torrent coming to you.

I later found this seemed to be for non audio books so one of our staffers informed me. I made the decision to dump my torrents and utorrent plus reinstal I was getting various niggling problems.

Now if you want any of my books (you can search my books using the Search Function) please pm me with the link and I will upload them asap for you.

Any problems please give me or any of our staff a shout and we will always do our best to help you.

Thats it for now take care of yourselves.

Kind Regards


By posztoló

News - 03.07.20

Hi everyone,

I hope this finds you well and enjoying your books!

This is just a quick message to let you know myself and the team have agreed that Hotlinking VIP torrents is not needed any all you need to do as VIP members is to upload to the VIP section and not do any hotlinking.

It will make VIP uploading easier.

Thats it for now.

Kind Regards

Staff Team

By posztoló

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