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Felhasználók 7265
Torrentek 53159
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Az oldal jelenleg: Online
Elérési állapot: 0 (magyarázat)
Hasonló oldalak: Superbits
Adatlapot beküldte: Anonymus

Legfrissebb hírek

Closed GFTracker - 19.04.18

Former The GFTracker Channel :: Site CLOSED :: So long, Thanks for all the fish!

IRC channel

By posztoló

News - 26.03.18

[GeForceTracker | GFT] GFT Closing Down

Hello all!

It is with great sadness that we announce the end of GFT, we have existed for almost 13 years as a torrent site and a few more as a ed2k site.

Unfortunately in the last 2 years donations have decreased to a point that we can't pay the bills anymore.

We would like to thank all of you for the support over the years and hope you can all find a new home.

IRC will continue to work.

Forum thread:


* RevolutionTT is accepting refugees except from the following banned countries: Algeria, Brazil, Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia & Turkey. Link to apply is

* DH is also accepting refugees, just connect to their irc and join #DH.Invites with a screenshot of your account here.

* SHD is accepting refugees. PM firefantast for an invite.

We thank all sites for their help.

Oh, some of you really have too much spare time

//GFT Staff

By posztoló

Site is shutting down - 20.03.18

From their homepage:

Recent News

GFT Closing Down Today, 12:34 PM Hello all!

It is with great sadness that we announce the end of GFT, we have existed for almost 13 years as a torrent site and a few more as a ed2k site.

Unfortunately in the last 2 years donations have decreased to a point that we can't pay the bills anymore.

We would like to thank all of you for the support over the years and hope you can all find a new home.

IRC will continue to work.

EDIT: RevolutionTT is accepting refugees except from the following banned countries: Algeria, Brazil, Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia & Turkey. Link to apply is


//GFT Staff

By posztoló

News - 28.01.18

failed login attempts

The staff is aware that hackers are trying to use old database passwords to log into GFT-accounts. We would like to give our users a reminder, not to share passwords with other sites (also at this time it is not needed to PM us with a failed login attempt).

Edit: No old GFT database has leaked, the sources are databases from other sites that was hacked.

By posztoló

News - 22.01.18

failed login attempts

the staff is aware that current hackers are trying to use old database passwords to log into gft accounts. We would like to give our users a reminder, not to share passwords with other sites. (also at this time it is not needed to PM us with a failed login attempt)

By posztoló

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